← Return to Long Term PAC and PVC Suffer. Need your support and guidance

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@rr1967 If you doctor has reviewed the ingredients and says no harm I would try it. That was the best thing to do was have your doctor look at the ingredients and inform you.

I did this with my EP and that is when they mentioned the postassium. I take some other medications that can raise postassium levels so you can see why important to have your doctor look at it to ensure not contradictory to other medications of supplements.

The only thing I am disapointed in the heartcalm is that is uses Co-Q-10 insteast of Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is a much better form of Co-Q-10. I do take taurine, Ubiquinol. Magnesium Citrate, so got most of the ingredients already. I do see that HeartCalm using a mixture of different forms of magnesium.

I was advised to take magnesium to help with PVCs. I was already taking so did not add it and PVCs kept getting worse. Then I noticed the form of magnesium was not what my EP recommended and I switched to it. Wow, immediate improvement. I was wearing a heart monitor to see where PVCs were coming from when I noticed I was not taking the form of magnesium I was advised to take.

Good luck and if it was me and my doctor said no harm with the HeartCalm I would try it.

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Replies to "@rr1967 If you doctor has reviewed the ingredients and says no harm I would try it...."

What form of magnesium was recommended?

Hello jc76.
My EP recommended that I simply start taking a basic magnesium supplement at 400mg daily instead of the Heart Calm. So I started yesterday and I take it with dinner. The brand is Natural Factors which was recommended by on LPs and it is called Magenesium Bisglycinate which is supposed to absorb well and be easier on the digestive system. I am hoping that this and the low dose of Metropolol will help reduce the frequency of my PVCs and PACs. I know that they will never go away, but a reduction would really help my mood and fear level.
Thank you,