can a UTI go away on its own?

Posted by ashwa @ashwa, Apr 24, 2024

I got tested for a UTI and the results showed that an infection was present. The lab didn't do a culture because they didn't have enough sample, but no one asked me to come in and leave a new sample. When I finally inquired, a week later, I was asked to come in and the results showed that the leukocyte and WBC counts had dropped but were still abnormal. The abnormal RBC count that showed up in the first test was gone. So the culture got done and showed no bacteria present. My doc wants me to do Kegels and pee on a schedule every two hours. The urgency doesn't happen as often, but when it happens, it's bad. I feel that something has been missed, but I want to know if my body can resolve a UTI on its own.

For reference, I am 58 now. All of my adult life, I have had urinary urgency when I have had a UTI. It is often my only symptom. A doc at a student health center told me to stop drinking so much water when I sought treatment in college, so I am not a happy camper when a doctor dismisses my worries.

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An increase in WBC happens when an UTI is present. This is such a common infection and a lot of women get them repeatedly and may not even be aware of them, if it is the lower urinary tract involved.

They CAN go away on their own. You would know if it involved your upper urinary tract closer to the kidneys because you would feel like you had the flu
and be a lot sicker.

I occasionally feel like I may be starting one and what I do is keep Cranberry D Mannose vitamins (get a good brand) and take some for a few days. I remember only one time in my 83 years that I actually had to take an antibiotic…when I was a lot younger. I don’t agree with the Doctor who told you to stop drinking so much water when you think you may have an UTI. The general advice is to drink more to flush out the infection. Maybe he meant you drink too much in general thereby creating an urgency?

Personally, if urinary urgency is my only symptom, I reach for the vitamin and increase my liquids. I also think we take too many antibiotics. I am not giving medical advice here. You know your own body and how you should feel so I would trust your own instincts on this very common infection. Some women get a burning sensation…that rarely happened to me.

As always, if you feel uncertain and not comfortable with things, I would go to an Urologist/Gynecologist practice . They may schedule a visit with a Nurse Practitioner in the practice. These ARNPs are the best, give the most thorough exams and are super easy to talk with. The female ARNPs have been in your shoes.

FL Mary


I’m no expert, but I started doing a lot of research (online published reports, videos by female urologists) on pelvic and bladder health after I had an incident of frequency, and thought it was a UTI. Urgent care said yes, but culture said no. I have taken Cranberry supplement for years with no UTI or yeast infection for years. It seems that lack of estrogen causes structural changes in the pelvic tissue and thus disturbing symptoms. I spoke with my primary and began local vaginal estrogen cream as preventative. I only wish I had started using it sooner. I actually wish I had begun oral HRT years ago.

I’d find a good, informed urologist to discuss your situation and options early on.


Thank you, imalears and celia16, for your helpful suggestions. I do think that I need to see a gynocologist or urologist soon. I have already started taking the cranberry supplements. My main concern right now is that I am traveling to Ghana in May for work. I should be able to manage. When I travel in sub-Saharan Africa, which I do frequently, my water-drinking and potty habits change. Because I sweat out most of the water I consume, I usually take small sips from a water bottle regularly during the day, then drink one or two bottles in the evening when I am back in my hotel and close to the bathroom. Finding a bathroom during the day is not a reliable or pleasant option. I have also recently learned about the panties offered by Knix that are absorbent without being thick. So I will struggle through it. I just hope that these habits don't let me down this time, now that I have such frequent urgency. I will probably keep a change of clothes in my daybag just to be safe.


Just as an aside…if you are sweating a lot try to get some salt in your water when you travel. If you can manage to drink some salted water with lemon juice first thing in the morning, it will help keep your sodium levels up and give you more energy. Enjoy the travels and be safe.

FL Mary


A locally famed elder nutritionist ( no longer with us ) had opined that bee propolis was helpful with urinary urgency outside of UTI … I found it helpful. I wonder if it could be of benefit during UTI .


Does anyone know if type 1 diabetics can safely take D-mannose?

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