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Replies to "Only takes a couple of weeks to become “dependent “ on benzos, and if you stop..."
Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: May 13, 2024 | Replies (74)
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Replies to "Only takes a couple of weeks to become “dependent “ on benzos, and if you stop..."
The Medical profession front line employees have a never ending stream of patients (Dr shortage).
Recently Kaiser launched speech to text capability for Doc note taking, it is so new that my PCP was watching the screen instead of looking at me as I talked. No warm and fuzzy connection. They take care of you unless upward referring to a specialist. It ain’t yo mama’s doctor no more.
I will never take a benzo chronically again.
I have cognitive issues from a traumatic brain injury and was taking ativan one time a day for sleep. Not a lot, right? It was enough.
When I ran out, and at the same time, I realized it had been causing some of the mental health and worsened cognitive issues (affected my work performance), I elected to discontinue the drug. As I withdrew from it, the anxiety was horrible, and though I gor through it, I never want to feel like thar again!!! I do on rare occassions take 0.5mg for nausea (I have severe gastroparesis and have begun running out of options for treating it-most ot he drugs typically used for nausea have quit working), but I am working with GI in Rochester to come up with other options).
Benzo withdraw is miserable.