← Return to Long Term PAC and PVC Suffer. Need your support and guidance

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We all need to find something that helps reduce stress. For me that is exercise. For others like you it probably is something else that you enjoy. Brining down the stress level is going to help. My EP, HF, and PCP all tell me to exercise not only because it reduces my stress but helps with heart failure and keeping me fit.

Just try to find something you like to do and enjoy it.

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Replies to "rr1967 We all need to find something that helps reduce stress. For me that is exercise...."

Hello JC76. I really appreciate your posts and comments. Very helpful.

Sadly, I am now going through my newest phase of PVCS and PACs. They were quiet for a couple of months and now they have restarted. What is concerning is that I can feel 3-4 in a row of the extra beats, then my heart rhythm is normal for a few beats, then I get 2-3 extra beats, then normal again for a few. Sometimes during the day, I can go for almost 30 seconds with no ectopic beats, then boom, they come back. They are really bad in the morning and now they are causing grief in the evening. I went into the clinic a few days ago and they ran a EKG. The EKG showed normal sinus rhythm with one PVC. The doctor then listened to my heart and he stated, he could hear 3 or 4 PVCs. Again, he told me that given my past workups, tests, exams, etc...all is normal.
I started taking 12.5 Metropolol in the evening with dinner. This is what my Electrophysiologist ( one of the top EPs in my state) recommended. I can't take two day as it makes me too tired and lowers my heart rate too much.

What is weird is that if I am doing house chores or running errands and my heart rate goes up a bit, the PVCs and PACs go away and the moment my heart rates comes back down, they restart! My resting heart rate is between 50-60 and my EP says that is perfectly normal.

As I have stated before in my previous posts...these damn PVCs and PACS really increase my anxiety and fear, which of course leads to more. I am simply tormented by them when they flare up.

I have this deep fear that the PACs and PVCs are going to lead to Afib or something worse, but my EP keeps telling me that this will not happen since my heart is structurally fine and my stress echo from 4-5 years ago was perfectly normal.

It is frustrating, maddening, and makes me very sad when these damn ectopic beats restart their assault.

Thank you for reading,