How long does it take the medication mirtazapine to work?

Posted by roadqueenie @roadqueenie, Apr 18, 2020

I’m being switched from Viibryd to Mirtazipine (slowly) over two weeks. Mirtazipine started at 15mg and I’m now at 30mg and I take Buspar 10mg for depression and anxiety. I also take Ativan 1mg three times a day. My questions are: how long has it taken these drugs to build up and help symptoms and can the anxiety and depression make me feel physically sick? I just don’t feel well, don’t fell like doing anything except laying on the couch or recliner, I have no motivation to even go for a car ride with my husband and it’s scaring me. I’ve had a complete blood work up and I’m healthy! But I’m nauseous most of the time and food doesn’t appeal to me so I’m living on bananas, rice, ham and other bland food. Anyone else been through this please and thank you?

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RQ, I'm not farmiliar with your medications, but I can tell you after years of taking defferent ones for various reasons, anxiety and depression being one, it does take some time to get your body use to them. I sometimes think that when I read the listings of side effects that I bring some on myself. But they are there to warn you! I always read them very careful! I also try and understand my body and know what is normal and abnormal! Sometimes it's very quickly sometimes it takes awhile! One sleep medication that I was changed to by a different PC took a month for me to start having severe headaches! Then had a Blackout and fell down a flight of stairs and ended up with a TBI!
Hopefully you can be open enough with your husband to explain what you are going through!
The support really Helps!
PS, The most important thing is you have found a place of Support, Mayo Connect! It is a Life Line to those of us who suffer different things or have questions about medications!


Hi @roadqueenie, it can be a challenge to switch medications and to know which symptoms are connected to what. I'm tagging other members who have experience with mirtazapine, like @neilc @faithshouse @anniegk @jimhd @gingerbear22 @grandmaj5 and @sandifl

You may also be interested in review this discussion:
- Does anyone have experience with Mirtazapine?

RoadQueenie, have you talked to the prescribing doctor about your symptoms, such as malaise, lack of motivation and nausea?


I was taking mirtazipine for two months at the lowest dose. It turned me into a complete zombie. I couldn’t get out of bed or off the couch. They say it causes weight gain. I lost 14 lbs.


I was taking mirtazipine for two months at the lowest dose. It turned me into a complete zombie. I couldn’t get out of bed or off the couch. They say it causes weight gain. I lost 14 lbs.

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Thanks for your reply!


How long does it take the medication mirtazapine to work? When is a good time to come off the medication? It’s been a couple of months. No improvement. Why is the doctor trying it again? I am concerned about brain fog. Anyone else experience that with this drug?


How long does it take the medication mirtazapine to work? When is a good time to come off the medication? It’s been a couple of months. No improvement. Why is the doctor trying it again? I am concerned about brain fog. Anyone else experience that with this drug?

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I’m using it 7.5 it’s suppose to help with sleep,I tried to come off of it had terrible anxiety decided it wasn’t worth feeding that bad.


I’m using it 7.5 it’s suppose to help with sleep,I tried to come off of it had terrible anxiety decided it wasn’t worth feeding that bad.

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I was prescribed 7.5 of Mirtazapine to help with eating. I have no appetite and have been losing weight got s long time. Has this medication helped anyone gain their appetite back? After reading the side effects I am afraid to continue due to withdrawal problems.


I was prescribed 7.5 of Mirtazapine to help with eating. I have no appetite and have been losing weight got s long time. Has this medication helped anyone gain their appetite back? After reading the side effects I am afraid to continue due to withdrawal problems.

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I was also prescribed 7.5 of Mirtazapine to help with eating and sleep. It wasn’t working. I went up to 15mg and still not helping appetite or sleep. I’m in the same boat concerned about continuing to increase the dose and the side effects of coming off it. I’m wondering if anyone here has had success with it. I started the 7.5mg in Nov 2023 and went up to 15mg a month ago. I also take 50mg Trazodone to sleep with little success.


I was also prescribed 7.5 of Mirtazapine to help with eating and sleep. It wasn’t working. I went up to 15mg and still not helping appetite or sleep. I’m in the same boat concerned about continuing to increase the dose and the side effects of coming off it. I’m wondering if anyone here has had success with it. I started the 7.5mg in Nov 2023 and went up to 15mg a month ago. I also take 50mg Trazodone to sleep with little success.

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Thank you for your reply tricia. It is greatly appreciated. I am also on antidepressants almost all my life. I am 74 now. Have more anxiety recently - always worried about getting sick. I would just like to get back to some kind of normal. I have also been heavy all my life up until three years ago when I started losing my appetite and losing weight. It is very upsetting.

I hope you find something that works for you. God Bless


I was prescribed 7.5 of Mirtazapine to help with eating. I have no appetite and have been losing weight got s long time. Has this medication helped anyone gain their appetite back? After reading the side effects I am afraid to continue due to withdrawal problems.

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After reading the sides effects of Mirtazapine, I asked my doctor to stop it and he just told me to stop it....I'm taking now Quetiapine Fumarate 25 mg twice a day, for anxiety and help me to sleep. So far all good, no withdraws and feeling better.

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