Can anyone assist me with any help in regards to my skin condition

Posted by michellesorbello13 @michellesorbello13, Apr 10, 2024

I got psoriasis in September last year 2023 after strep throat a couple of weeks prior. It covered my whole body including my hair but not my face. My skin has only just now started to improve a bit after my steroid cream was changed to diprosone. I have many other symptoms including extreme fatigue, joint pain and sometimes swelling, body aches and muscle weakness in my arms mostly, and numbness in my hands that wakes me up every night and I wake up every morning with completely numb hands. About a month ago I developed a butterfly shaped rash on my face that made my skin red roar and extremely dry flakey skin. It felt like it was burning. My gp said that it was a side effect of using Enstillar foam spray for my psoriasis on my body so I was changed to diprosone. I feel I'm not being listened to and the doctors are missing something. I can feel something wrong within me. I also get kidney pain often. Can anyone help me with any possible answers ? Please. I am a 44 year old female. I have had psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in 2007. I also had the ulcer form of psoriasis in my mouth, and the fungal nail psoriasis in 2007. One skin flare up around 2018 and nothing again until September last year.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


very very sorry for your difficulties.

I am been in support groups with many difficult to diagnose folks.

Never underestimate the power of time to help solve problems.

Research, more research, second opinions, trying various things.

In my experience with very I'll folks, that process just about always leads to some positive results.

I would check into a few things in addition to everything else.

Allergies to laundry detergent (thus sheets and pillowcases, and of course clothes).

Allergies to soaps, shampoos, and all beauty products.

Food allergies.

Make sure your hydration is optimal. Make sure you are truly getting those 8 glasses of water daily. Without optimal hydration it is hard to heal from any illness.

Make sure your sleep is optimal. When we are ill, so incredibly important to get those 8 hours of sleep and every single night. That is key to supporting the immune system.

And, of course, eating very health food (but cleared re food allergies)

Sudden onset, and powerful allergy to pets.

Check for environmental factors. Mold in the home...too many chemicals in the air (near a major factory or fracking), too many chemicals in the water. Chemical exposure at your job.

I would think about also joining some support groups for chronic illnesses, invisible illnesses. And see if you can connect with someone with similar symptoms.

It is the internet and hard to glean accurate info. What I would do is see if I can find, say, 5 people who agree with an idea. And then a physician or two to also agree. And then I would know that I am likely headed down a right path.

I do know a weirder factoid re skin issues. And this is very anecdotal, so I would get some confirmation before proceeding.

But I do know a number of folks who had skin issues...went down to the beach for a week...hung out on the beach, breathing sea air for a week....and skin issues just went away.

My wife's old hairdresser had horrible asthma. Moved from New Jersey to North Carolina and asthma simply went away. No longer needed his inhaler.

Wish I knew more precisely how to help.

Do take care now.

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I agree with everything you have posted. I would also recommend that they see a holistic physician that provides natural Medicine/vitamins to help heal her immune system.
I have multiple Environmental and food, allergies (35 food allergies), Epilepsy, asthma, leaky, gut, fragile bones due to high doses of steroids and chemotherapy as a child for 10 1/2 years. My holistic physician has helped me more in the last 2 months that any MD has!


I agree with everything you have posted. I would also recommend that they see a holistic physician that provides natural Medicine/vitamins to help heal her immune system.
I have multiple Environmental and food, allergies (35 food allergies), Epilepsy, asthma, leaky, gut, fragile bones due to high doses of steroids and chemotherapy as a child for 10 1/2 years. My holistic physician has helped me more in the last 2 months that any MD has!

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very sorry for all you have suffered.

Take care


I'm so sorry you are going through this. My daughter had hives that looked like that for 18 most before they figured out it was autoimmune urticaria (fancy name for hives). High doses of methylprednisolone, over months, is the only thing that finally helped. Not even regular prednisone helped. It had to be the methylprednisolone.


When you next visit a dermatologist have a copy from the internet of Psoriatic arthritis screening evaluation.
Simple questionare that will point to your diagnosis.
The tools are called PEST and PASE with points toward the diagnosis. They should also evaluate your labs for
systemic inflammation, lipid and metabolic profiles.
Cardiac risk evaluation is important in PsA. I started
statins from my cardiologist when the diagnosis was made. Keep on seeking the best treatment like one of the biologic injections. Any progress for a follow up?


Did a doctor check you for Lupus? Find a good Rheumatologist and he will test for Lupus.


I had hives for yrs. No typical drugs worked. It was always stressed triggered. Finalky Dr offered ativan. That did the trick!
20 yrs later and at a point when hives lot less involved and less bothersome i was diagnosed with hashimitos thyroiditis. At the time it was not known that hives can be a precursor to hashimotos.
Endocronologist has taken care of me since.
Hope this is helpful.

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