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Replies to "All-time favorite. Beethoven's 7th Symphony, George Szell, Cleveland Orchestra. The finale always leaves me breathless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPu-B2MWW78&pp=ygUdYmVldGhvdmVuIDd0aCBzemVsbCBjbGV2ZWxhbmQ%3D"
Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Jan 12 8:41am | Replies (88)
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Replies to "All-time favorite. Beethoven's 7th Symphony, George Szell, Cleveland Orchestra. The finale always leaves me breathless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPu-B2MWW78&pp=ygUdYmVldGhvdmVuIDd0aCBzemVsbCBjbGV2ZWxhbmQ%3D"
So much beauty in the world and so little time to appreciate it all.
Thanks, Scott!
I will see your Szell, and raise you some Horowitz...
Horowitz plays Moonlight Sonata