← Return to annular tear


annular tear

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Jul 30, 2022 | Replies (3)

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Welcome to Connect @clint1510.
I moved your message to the Bones, Joints & Muscles group http://mayocl.in/28IZp05 where you can read similar discussions going on like this one https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-had-spinal-fusion-of-l1-4-about-15-months-ago-lately-ive/ where you'll meet members like
@rick537 @missyb57 @martishka @riverqueen1305 and @luckydaug who have experienced herniated discs (annular tear).

How long ago did this incident happen and how are you managing the pain?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect @clint1510. I moved your message to the Bones, Joints & Muscles group http://mayocl.in/28IZp05..."

Thanks colleen
the herniated disc between l2 l3 happened about 2 weeks ago! Im on lycria nerve meds and codine for pain.i just cant find much info on annular tears in this area. Theres heaps of info on sciatica pain but mine is on top of my thigh and knee.