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It is good that you are getting an echo next week. You have been through a living nightmare! But you are here, you survived open heart surgery, covid, Camzyos, HOCM...now you have this. You will get through this too because you are stronger than you know and you are here for a reason. I will be thinking of you next week, what day is your echo?

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My echo isn’t until May 2. I do not understand why I need to panic for 2 weeks and wait 2 weeks, but perhaps my Dr. doesn’t think a 2 week wait is unreasonable.

My family is angry at me and always making nutrition suggestions, exercise suggestions, doctor recommendations. I know they care, but I want to just escape from this “out of control life” I am living and then make decisions in 2 weeks after my wonderful doctor tells me my next steps.

I am starting to have panic attacks, which the cardiologist witnessed and so he knows I am desperate for answers. I think I am having them because after I had septic shock a year and a half ago, I can’t get calm. I had the flu a few weeks ago, was hospitalized for 3 days and carried on like a baby- from fear and pain. But I just want my own time to take control of decisions, which is all I seem to have control of these days. My mother is looking after my son most of the time, I have missed out on 2 years of his life (6) and I was once a great mother. I can’t manage to care about anything. I am locked inside myself!
I was once a very active girl, in the fashion world, selling to stars in high end stores in LA and I could care less about fashion, no care about what’s going on in anyone else’s life. I know it’s wrong, but I am so angry that I took all the right steps and find a new problem on the horizon. My friends are healthy and I can’t manage to walk across the baseball field to sit in the bleachers to watch my son play.
I got re-married a few months ago and I can’t manage to be the proper wife to someone who married me in this condition, a very kind, strong, supportive person. I know I am doing everything wrong, but don’t seem to care.
Did anyone else want their own pity party for awhile?