Pain pump, I have one, how about one for you?
I have had an implanted pain pump in my abdomen for about 18 months. It is a miracle. I get a total of 4.764 mgs. of Dilaudid, If I administer all of the 10 extra micro does I can have in 24 hours. If I don't use those extra doses I get 2.74 mgs. over 24 hours. The effect is 300 times more effective than if I took the same dose orally. I go to my doctors office every 3 months to have the pump refilled. I'm there for about 15 minutes. The actual process of refilling the pump takes no more than 5 minutes and is painless. No prescriptions to worry about, no one wondering if I'm misusing or selling my pain meds, no one making me feel like a drug addict or a criminal. In our current climate this is even more important than it was two years ago. Many Doctors want nothing to do with pain patients or writing scripts for pain meds. I know many of you have been there. This method is especially good for back issues as the drug is delivered via a catheter which runs up my spin. Yes, I still have pain but it's pain I can live with. If your Doctor doesn't know about this or doesn't want to do it contact a pain clinic. The Doctor who put mine in is a Neurosurgeon. If you have any questions please respond.
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Its not an addiction if you are in chronic pain. I have been on meds for 13yrs and I an getting a pain pump as soon as I can get my phsyc exam. I dont know why I have to get a psychological exam but the dr requires it. Love my pm and he is doing the procedure hopefully by september.
A neurosurgeon isn't doing the implant? Both my SCS and pain pump were done by one. Unfortunately, my pain pump (1 year post surgery) has never given me any pain relief. I wish more success.
I have had my pump for a year. It has never given me any pain relif. Every day is pain on a 6-8 level. Bad weather always seems to ramp up the pain. I have hydromorphone in mine. They tried adding an anesthetic to the mix, but it made things a little worse. Had to have it removed and refilled. Did you do a trial? How did they settle on Dilaudid? Not familiar with it. I thought the only drugs approved for the pump are morphine, hydromorphone, and fentynyl. What is your average pain level now? Appreciate hearing back. I am discouraged at this point. Dealing with this for over 8 years.
I wish I could have one, but I have reactions to all pain meds and no pills or caps as the binders & fillers in them cause intestinal issues. I'm to have knee surgery then oral surgery. Both are putting me out, & I have a meds cocktail list that an anesthesiologist studied every page of my history for 10 yrs & created. It works wonderful. But, this time I'm being kept in hospital for 2-3 days at least on an IV Benadryl morphine drip until I can get used to the pain & learn stairs.y service dog goes out 4-5 times a day. 15 steps both ways. I'm working out trying to get as strong as I can do I have a better chance of coming out better able to tackle learning to walk again. I want to take my pup on walks so she can run again. I miss watching her run. I'm very concerned about the pain meds. I get hives, full body itch, rashes & wake up bloody often. I'll go without & endure then rather than the torment of that itching. I've had it so bad they've put me out til it passes, but that means using the meds that cause the itching. I e had to stand in a cool shower in hospital room with Benadryl IV trying to get it to stop. So I'm terrified more of the meds to put me out & for pain afterwards than I am the partial knee surgery. Anyone have opioids allergies like this? What do they do for you or do you just suck it up?
I am not getting one for some reason.Last year my pain management Dr. was pushing it so i said ok this year.Went in and talked to him and he changed his mind about it.Reason unknown!!
All docs require the psychological exam. I did mine on Zoom with a member of the psychological staff and it is quick and just questions about your feelings about the pain and checking to be sure you are mentally ready for it. I have one and my pain went from 100 to 0. It's been 7 weeks! I had forgotten what a pain free day was like. Good Luck!
Thank you, they were saying it would cost me 400 out of pocket and it was a 2 hr process.🤪
I wish I could have one, and need to be more proactive in advocating for myself with regards to it. I have fibro but hat is the least of my worries. I have Grade 4 osteoarthritis in both knees, OA also in my spine. In addition, I have avascular necrosis in both knees and hips. I live with constant pain, and all it seems to do is get worse. I'm hoping to have a knee replacement in 4-5 months (when I have enough saved up to live in while I am recovering). I am a nurse so I am on my feet all the time-for 8-12 hours at a time. By the end of it, I am exhausted physically, pain-wise and emotionally. But I have bills to pay. And I have to wonder how much longer I am going to continue working. I've been going to palliative care and they seem to have discouraged me from it but I need to bring it up. I have gastropaesis so any pain meds make the GI issues worse-the pump would minimize the cognitive and GI side effects, which would be great.
With the AVN as well as the arthritis, the preferred treatment is a joint replacement but I am not keen on doing it to both knees and hips, I don't want to wind up in a wheelchair which may happen anyway. I just want some help to live with the pain-tone it down even a few notches, please!
It was offered to be a number of years ago (10+) but I wasn't ready to take that step. My palliative provider says that getting the injectable meds for it is difficult and insurances don't like to approve the procedure or maintenance of this. But everything has been tried-injections (didn't work) and all kinds of meds which have caused a variety of issues-and it was prednisone that caused the avascular necrosis, I don't want steroids (great for pain), NSAIDs have given me an ulcer. Tylenol does nothing.
So frustrating-I'm open to input.
Stephen @wsh66 - I would be interested in getting the contact information for the neurosurgeon who implanted your pain pump. It seems you are very pleased with the outcome.
I have been approved for a pain pump and go in for my trial on May 7th. When going through everything with my surgeon on the implant he states he puts the pump itself in the back not abdomen, has anyone had this in back not stomach? I have looked all over online and cant find a thing on the pump itself being put in the back.