Two New Sleep Meds.

Posted by dfb @dfb, Nov 29, 2023

I have written extensively on this board regarding my recent titration of off some seven different psychiatric medications and associated side effect meds. If you want to know more please see my posts. I don't want to bore everyone by revisiting the triumphs and tragedies of that process.

While the titration has gone better than anyone, including me, could have hoped, the one remaining bugaboo is the quality and quantity of my sleep. At this time poor sleep is my number one health problem.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my physic provider. She believes that she is managing the titration of off the heroic doses of psych meds I have been on for fifteen years.

When I told her that sleep was my number one problem and that I believed bupropion was part of the problem rather then suggesting we move a little faster getting rid of bupropion she suggested one of two new sleep meds.

Dayvido and Belsomra.

As I am in fact the manager or my own health care I told her I wanted to do a little research before simply starting a new drug.

When I got home I did the first thing I always do (usually the only thing I need to do) I did a Google Search.

There on page one were a number of articles, one of them from Mayo Clinic, stating that neither Dayvigo nor Belsomra should be combined with two of the medications she believes I am on.

Page one!

I understand if you think I am making this up. It is beyond understanding that any provider would prescribe any medication, let alone two drugs in this category, without first taking a moment to check out the most current information available.

I could understand if she had the information and thought that my lack of sleep was more of an issues, but that is not the case. She simply has no idea. This from a provider that has acknowledged that I have returned from the land of the walking dead to a person she barely recognizes.

What is it going to take for health care providers to wake up?

How many other patients will be prescribed medication that make their suffering worse? How many will kill themselves as I almost did?

I'd like to think this is an isolated incident but it isn't. My own personal history is that health care providers prescribe what the drug salespeople tell them to prescribe. Few if any do any research at all. None that I know of have research departments.

I have offered this clinic twice and will be making a third offer to the director, to set up a small research lab. Two or three people who can think, in a room with an internet connection. I have all the protocols and have spent the bulk of my professional life doing research on investments.

In the investment world companies actively try to hide what they are doing. One has to learn how to dig to find the truth. In health care the facts are laying around like sand on a beach.

My offer is to do this as a volunteer. I do not want any compensation at all, not even free care. They would simply need to start with one person, one desk and an internet connection.

The so called professionals would still make all the decisions, they would just be armed with the most current information available.

My offers have meet with the dismissive nods one would give a child.

I have made millions simply because I asked the right questions. They know my history, they know what I can help them do. Yet people are suffering and dying because of a refusal by those who should know better to ask a simple question: could I be wrong?

I have started a company to provide research to individuals. My partner and I are trying to figure out how to get the cost down to something the average person can afford. Heath care institutions do not have this problem. They could act now, right now!

I lost or destroyed everything and everyone that ever mattered to me and none of it had to happen.

If I or just one of my doctors had taken just a few moments to ask a few questions my wife and children would have been spared years of suffering. What medications are being prescribed to them right now to help them cope with trauma they have experienced?

When does negligence become malice?

Be careful. Question everything, no one else is going to do it for you.

I hope your God cradles you and gives you peace!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Mental Health Support Group.

So, I was placed on olanzapine (ZY) when it first came out under a trial study and after a number of years, they jacked the price up so that it could not be afforded. So much for the proper testing of the drug, as they ruined the test by jacking up the price just before generics became available. One should ask the pharmacist for a copy of the most recent MSDS or whatever they call it, so that one can evaluate potential problems; they can rip it off the bottle and hand it to you. It is a bit interesting to see if the sheet of paper changes over time.
If you are ever in a drug trial, be aware that you are being experimented upon; possibly even if you are not in a trial: how many years did it take for them to admit that the common blood pressure HCTZ is carcinogenic, one becomes more susceptible to acquire cancer from its use. I would not want to out and out say that if one sees a Dr. they are a guinea pig, but there seems to be a bit of proof to the statement.


There have been lawsuits and many complaints to the FDA regarding Belsomra. See the link below from Consumer Reports. I was prescribed this by a "sleep doctor" although I told her I didn't want to take one of the "hynotic" sleeping pills where you could do activities in your sleep that you didn't remember the next day. She assured me this drug did not have that side effect, but my research before taking it told me otherwise. Besides being rated ineffective by most users, it's extremely expensive.


There have been lawsuits and many complaints to the FDA regarding Belsomra. See the link below from Consumer Reports. I was prescribed this by a "sleep doctor" although I told her I didn't want to take one of the "hynotic" sleeping pills where you could do activities in your sleep that you didn't remember the next day. She assured me this drug did not have that side effect, but my research before taking it told me otherwise. Besides being rated ineffective by most users, it's extremely expensive.

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Ask if you could try about 20 mg (or less) of olanzapine shortly before bedtime?

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