LC Recovery Journey

Posted by gerdi @gerdi, Apr 11, 2024

I found this helpful and encouraging: a doctor's own 2 year recovery journey. Mentions many useful and often free tools.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

WOW! Most f this I had heard of (and tried a lot) but the article on HRT was eye opening. Thank you for posting.


Thank you very much for posting your journey. I'm sure those of us who are still experiencing LC are encouraged that we will recover. Those tools you mentioned will immensely help us get there.


WOW! Most f this I had heard of (and tried a lot) but the article on HRT was eye opening. Thank you for posting.

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I couldn't agree more! I am going to talk to my gynocologist about LC now, which hadn't really crossed my mind before I'd read this. LC seems to have my worsened my menopausal symptoms incl. anxiety, sweats and insomnia. (I am 54 years old). Pre-Covid they had pretty much disappeared. Unfortunately HRT is not an option for me, as my family has a history of breast cancer.
The article also gives an explanation as to why more women are LC-sufferers (I read somewhere that 70-80% of LC patients are women). Especially younger women, whom I really really feel for.


I am 53 COVID definitely made my menopause symptoms worse and also cannot take HRT
COVID has taken so much from me ended a 30 year nursing career due to long COVID symptoms most recently lost my dad to jn.1 as he was in a facility with Alzheimer’s and of course no testing to visit no restrictions as now covid is just considered to be nothing to worry about so he died covid almost took me but I’m still here it’s an awful disease that treats people in different ways but pretending it isn’t deadly is everyone just fooling themselves and being tired of doing any sort of protection for self or others but when everyone is sick all is healthcare workers put our lives on the line to care for those who won’t even protect themselves or us I am so angry with Covid as it took more from me than I ever thought possible


I am so sorry to hear about your dad! It must be so hard, going through LC and experiencing this kind of loss!
I agree, it is an awful disease and society does not appreciate anywhere near enough what the health care workers and medics did and still do. The number of people working in the sector that we lost to Covid or LC is staggering. Moving on to business as usual once the vaccines were around was the wrong approach. It's the ignorance and lack of empathy that is hurtful in addition to suffering from the disease.


I am so sorry to hear about your dad! It must be so hard, going through LC and experiencing this kind of loss!
I agree, it is an awful disease and society does not appreciate anywhere near enough what the health care workers and medics did and still do. The number of people working in the sector that we lost to Covid or LC is staggering. Moving on to business as usual once the vaccines were around was the wrong approach. It's the ignorance and lack of empathy that is hurtful in addition to suffering from the disease.

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To hear people say “It’s just the flu.” is really hard for me, as I have been sick for 26 months with the “flu”! I know many of you have suffered longer than I.
The”flu” part of it wasn’t even that bad for me. I have had worse flu symptoms many times. It is what has come after that has stolen my life.

I’m still here, but I have no life. Now I only leave my house to go to doctor appointments, or maybe a short walk around the yard.
I am too dizzy to safely drive or go anywhere. My hearing is shot and my eyes are blurry.

For some people the only way they will understand is if it happens to them. Even a close family member’s suffering doesn’t convince them.


I understand all of you. I am going through the same symptoms as you. I contacted COVID at the end of January of this year. I was given Paxlovid. I was very sick for a month. I have been unable to recover. The vertigo is really bad, my shortness of breath, fatigue, unable to sleep, phlegm in the back of my throat, and the cough which is horrific. I feel like the energy has been zapped out of my body. My husband does not want to discuss it, he feels the Paxlovid should have cured me. I suffer in silence. My doctors gave me Meclizine for the vertigo, that was it. They told me my symptoms would go away.
I am so frustrated, I don’t leave my home, I am afraid of driving vertigo to hit. I am glad to have all of you here, I don’t feel so alone.


So many of you on this thread said so much truth! It’s business as usual with the world, and even loved ones. My family is supportive but kinda of not as concerned as they once were when I started having these all over the place symptoms, like they are over it already. So I don’t even talk or say when I’m not feeling well. I’m alive but have no life. I get so frustrated and honestly a little jealous seeing everyone living happy productive lives.
I also hear “it’s nothing more than the flu” umm hello the flu can be deadly too.
I guess it’s just the human condition, for most people to think, if it doesn’t effect them than oh well…sad.
I decided to participate in a study for Dysautonomia (POTS) in the next couple of months, will be posting my journey on here.
Lack of empathy hits the nail right on the head on how we are being treated, I can’t not tell you how happy and needed this community is for me. This is so hard for us, and who knows how this will turn out for us, for me I had to pivot, where in the beginning of my illness I just wanted to get better and back to pre COVID life, I still of course want to recover but now I had to learn to finding happiness in very small things now, traveling far isn’t an option so sitting outside in nature was always enjoyable but means so much more now. Going to dinner with my family is a triumphant moment. I pray one day I can go off on far adventures again. Feels so surreal that this is our life now right?
I pray every single day for all of you on here, for all of us suffering all over the world with this demon inside of us.
Strength, joy and better health (physical, emotional and mental) to you all! ❤️


So many of you on this thread said so much truth! It’s business as usual with the world, and even loved ones. My family is supportive but kinda of not as concerned as they once were when I started having these all over the place symptoms, like they are over it already. So I don’t even talk or say when I’m not feeling well. I’m alive but have no life. I get so frustrated and honestly a little jealous seeing everyone living happy productive lives.
I also hear “it’s nothing more than the flu” umm hello the flu can be deadly too.
I guess it’s just the human condition, for most people to think, if it doesn’t effect them than oh well…sad.
I decided to participate in a study for Dysautonomia (POTS) in the next couple of months, will be posting my journey on here.
Lack of empathy hits the nail right on the head on how we are being treated, I can’t not tell you how happy and needed this community is for me. This is so hard for us, and who knows how this will turn out for us, for me I had to pivot, where in the beginning of my illness I just wanted to get better and back to pre COVID life, I still of course want to recover but now I had to learn to finding happiness in very small things now, traveling far isn’t an option so sitting outside in nature was always enjoyable but means so much more now. Going to dinner with my family is a triumphant moment. I pray one day I can go off on far adventures again. Feels so surreal that this is our life now right?
I pray every single day for all of you on here, for all of us suffering all over the world with this demon inside of us.
Strength, joy and better health (physical, emotional and mental) to you all! ❤️

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I found this on Youtube. This might help you.

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