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I had Robotic Radical Prostatectomy and still had a PSA of 2.1 one month after surgery.
Immediate PET scan showed metastasis to iliac lymph nodes a bunch of internal nodes and the left para aortic lymph nodes.

Gleason 9 (4+5) stage 4A
I was started on Lupron 3 month with accompanied Bicalutamide for one month to address the Lupron Testosterone spike.

Currently on Lupron and Abiraterone (Zytiga) and 5mg Prednesone.

One thing to look out for is Liver enzymes, after doing fine for 3 months on this combination they just doubled.

Although I don’t have a lipid issue, my GP has me on low dose of Atorvastatin… I am discontinuing the statin in hopes my liver enzymes return to normal.

Other than that, I cry easily but am quite resilient… I laughed when the Dr said it makes you less resilient…

I didn’t say so, but look what I’m going through, the decisions I’ve made and tell me that again.

I’m May, I get the radiation consultation in preparation for that step of the journey.

I can handle the ADT therapy and all that it entails… I want to live!

Side effects of ADT
Brain fog : Minimal (still sharp as a tack)
Lethargy: Not noted
Labile mood: Yes (manageable)
Hot Flashes: Yes (who cares)
Libido: Yup, still got it though diminished slightly.
Testicles: 1/3 size from normal
Erections: Nope, lost those nerves, working with MSK to rectify

Penis: If it means anything to you, start on a daily, low dose of Tadalafil 5mg, when that aspect of your life rekindles you will thank yourself for doing so… to not, is to face atrophy… and there is no recovery from that.

I also used the pump a month after the catheter was removed and I retained most of my length.

Full bore survival mode!
Love to live, live to love.

Most men will also be put on prednisone, for some individuals Thai will cause glucose issues. So far I have not had this experience (thankfully)

I excercise, keep active it helps enormously!!!

It will also keep blood moving to the testicles they will not be as small as if you don’t.

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Replies to "I had Robotic Radical Prostatectomy and still had a PSA of 2.1 one month after surgery...."

Resilience means a lot, @tenders2023. Yes, you are.