Ear has shapes coming out that can be pulled out but just keep coming

Posted by nodine4 @nodine4, Apr 4 11:23am

I have had this condition for 3 months now. I literally pull things out and off my left ear constantly. Sometimes they are hard, sharp things and sometimes they are like very soft paper. They cannot be seen by me or doctors or anyone. You can imagine the reaction of anyone I tell about this. I am desperate to get rid of this! I am currently seeing a psychiatrist am scheduled for an MRI of my head, an EMG to test nerves and another follow-up with an ENT. I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get answers. Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?

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I don't know if this is what you have,but I saw a show about Tactile Hallucinations years ago.It can be brought on by nutritional deficiencies,toxin exposures and neurological diseases.It can be treated by treating the underlying issue.People can feel objects or bugs on them that no one else can see.Look it up when you get time.


It is surprising how many medication are psychotropic. If you are taking any med that you can safely avoid for a few days, you might discover cause. Are there any medications that you initiated three month ago.


@nodine4 From reading your post it appears you realize that what you are feeling/seeing does not exist and you need to have a neurologic work up. Good for you that you realized this is not normal and are seeking answers. Starting with neurologist and psychiatrist is a good place to start. Have you made any medication changes lately? Good luck and I hope you find answers.


I dont pull things out of my left ear however i do have continuous pain from lower neck to ear on left side and have every Dr. you can think of examine and test and they all say there is nothing wrong.


Do you notice any sensations or triggers right before you have a sensation of something in your left ear? Are you doing anything right before the episodes? What has changed in your life/routine 3 months ago? Have you experienced any significant loss or stress episode? It does seem neurological in that you perceive something, feel and see something with different textures. Your multiple senses are involved. Do you hear any noises in your left ear? Good luck with the MRI and other testing to check your CNS/PNS. It must be hard to deal with these sensations.

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