Anyone tried Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia?

Posted by ripley @ripley, Oct 18, 2023

I've had fibromyalgia for almost two years. Each flare seems to get progressively worse. I'm trying to figure out what medication to try with the least amount of side effects and withdrawal issues. Has anyone tried Gabapentin? If so, what was your experience?

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Thank you so much for sharing your journey, and your knowledge-this is very helpful ! I hope you find relief for your fatigue.

I’m not using cannabis during my work day. Do you work and use it during your work day?


Yes, my neurologist prescribed it for nerve pain (I have a whole host of things that cause nerve pain, fibro chief among them) and I find it quite helpful for sleep and pain relief.

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What is your dose of gabapentin? Any side effects?


900mg at night for sleep and pain control which does make me sleepy. If I stay up too long past taking it I do get a little off balance. 100mg in the morning to help with pain, no side effects from this dose.


900mg at night for sleep and pain control which does make me sleepy. If I stay up too long past taking it I do get a little off balance. 100mg in the morning to help with pain, no side effects from this dose.

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Does the 100mg morning dose help with the Fibro pain all day? Also, did you try a lower night dose before getting to 900mg? How long have you been taking it like this? Do you (or have you) take any other meds for Fibro? I see a Dr next week and don't know what to do as my pain is getting very bad. Thanks.


I started with 300 at night and gradually moved to 900mg over time. Been doing this for over a year and my neurologist is happy with how it is working for me. I find I am functional at100mg in the morning with the addition of Tylenol and lidocaine rub on my knees. I have arthritis everywhere as well as fibro and other things so I try stuff periodically. I also find that CBD rub helps with muscle pain and my knees as well. I have a heating pad shaped to my neck and shoulders I got from Amazon that is amazingly helpful.


I started with 300 at night and gradually moved to 900mg over time. Been doing this for over a year and my neurologist is happy with how it is working for me. I find I am functional at100mg in the morning with the addition of Tylenol and lidocaine rub on my knees. I have arthritis everywhere as well as fibro and other things so I try stuff periodically. I also find that CBD rub helps with muscle pain and my knees as well. I have a heating pad shaped to my neck and shoulders I got from Amazon that is amazingly helpful.

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So how many times a day do you take the gabapentin? Is that the only prescription drug you take for fibro? Side effects? I heard it can make you sleepy during the day. I've heard some bad things about gabapentin, but think (hope) it might have fewer side effects than other drugs like Cymbalta and Lyrica. I'm also experimenting with THC-CBD products. Thank you.


Twice a day, night (900mg) and morning (100mg) for gabapentin. Everyone has a different experience with side effects and how they react. I am fine with gabapentin. Others are not so much. You would have to try it for yourself and see how you react. I take other meds which interact with gabapentin that help with fibro but as I said, I have multiple conditions and cannot take anti-inflammatory medications as they will give me ulcers if I take them regularly. Ask your doctor what their medical opinion is for you and your diagnosis.


My doctor has started me on gabapentin which with being mixed with voltaren has made my pain manageable most of the time however I have not found it to help with my sleep.


I haven't tried gabapentin yet. My stepdaughter says it is no longer helpful for her. In a separate post on this forum I mentioned an NSAID called indomethacin which I take for headaches as needed. It helped me with these sensations and made me want to do my exercise. I don't know if the helpful effects will last.


I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and I took Gabapentin for a short time. It helped a little, but ask your doctor to try one of the other med's. It takes a matter of "Try and Seek: until you find the exact right one.
Gina 5009

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