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Here is a photo of the scabs I used to get! The problem went away while I was sick and eating a lot less. It came back after I got married and wanted to impress my husband with my culinary skills. I avoid all acidic foods, spicy, onions, garlic, dairy, caffeine and sugar- sparkling water which I was drinking a ton of before this came back- as I’m still in the healing phase. As you heal you begin to feel the burning. My scope showed I had damage and I couldn’t feel it until it was really bad and making quarts of mucus every time I ate anything. Unfortunately for most people with this issue will require a lifelong commitment to a diet that is free of your triggers. Everyone’s are different. It can take 6 weeks to several months for the tissue to heal enough for the irritation and therefore the scab to stop forming, it depends on how bad the damage is. I started feeling relief after just a few days and have not had a scab reform in the last month and a half, although I am not totally free of the other symptoms yet. I have to spray enough of the mist into each nostril to get it to run down my throat a tiny bit to hit that spot.

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So basically the “scab” was forming overnight which is when my issue was at its worst. The pepsin was coming up into my nose and collecting on that little ledge of nasopharynx, which is why the damage was being caused there. Pepsin digests protein in your stomach but guess what it does in your nose and throat- same thing! The scab of mucus was there protecting the spot which was getting the most irritation, likely because the angle of how I was sleeping was making it easier to sit there. I honestly had no clue or traditional symptoms of reflux at all- I was on medication and assumed everything was normal

Here is a YouTube link to a reflux doc that explains using the alkaline water/baking soda to neutralize. Saline spray did nothing for me- I must’ve spend hundreds on that a year alone!
I can’t post the link but you can look up RefluxDoc fixing LPR on YouTube

Hey! Thanks for you detailed posts. Your pictures of the scab are soooo similar to mine. I kept a food diary for a few weeks because LPR is also still on my list of possible causes, but when eating acidic foods/fried foods I don't notice the scab getting worse, sometimes I actually have days with just a tiny scab while I ate crappy foods. So it seems super random and therefore I started to think my scab isn't reflux related. Also after a course of antibiotics because staph a was found during culture, the mucus and crust disappeared but it returned after I finished the meds.

Up untill now I also didn't come across anyone who had the crusts with LPR, only mucus (which I have also). Anyway: one weird thing that happens to me is when I get a cold, it seems to impact my sinuses immediately but in a weird way. The thick mucus stops, the crust isn't there all of a sudden untill the cold is over, but I do dislodge nasty sinus mucus blobs that I have to hack up from somewhere deep and spit out. They're bloody and yellow and super firm. Did you also experience that? My post nasal drip and scabs started after covid infection 2 years ago and I never had mucus or sinus problems before. Up untill now (working with a , 4th ENT), chronic pharyngitis was my nr 1 suspicion because the same type of crusts appear with that disease. But now reflux is back on my suspicion list haha.