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Hello there, I’ve been reading this thread off and on for the last few years because I have the exact same elusive and irritating problem as you all, and have been coming here periodically to see if anyone has come up with an answer that fit. After years of experimenting and researching and trial and error to see what helps and what doesn’t, I have finally found out what mine is. I have the same exact shaped choking horrible scab thing as many that has come and gone for months at a time for the last four years. It started after I had mono after covid in 2020 and I assumed it was some side effect of having had mono all this time. The scab is between my nose and throat, on a little ledge that I can see with a dental mirror, that’s sticky and sometimes bloody and impossible to cough up or blow out. I have been suffering and choking on this thing- back and forth to doctors ent and dentists. Thinking it was a cyst or an infection. Ct scan ruled out cysts and antibiotics made no difference.
I couldn’t understand why it would go away sometimes, and then come back for months at a time- until recently.
I’ve had GERD since I was a child and have had multiple endoscopies etc. because esophageal cancer runs in my family. I do not drink or smoke and eat very healthy but it does not stop the GERD. Mine is from a loose upper and lower esophageal sphincter and mild hernia. Anyway, my last endoscopy and BRAVO test showed that my meds were not working. I have LPR- silent reflux. I don’t feel burning, only bad post nasal drip, allergy type symptoms, phlegm stuck between nose and throat and sometimes in my throat too at its worst- occasional sore and itchy throat, swollen glands and painful inflamed tonsils. It feels almost viral at times. The reflux is caused by pepsin, and enzyme that floats up in a gas- it is not controlled well by heartburn meds. The gas embeds into your soft tissue and when you eat or drink it gets activated, causing irritation that causes the throat and nasopharynx to produce mucus to protect itself. I am having no recurrences after going on the acid watcher diet, making a nasal and throat mist from alkaline water and baking soda- 1 liter of the water mixed with 2 tsp baking soda- you mist it into your nose and throat and also gargle with it before and after meals. After meals while healing gaviacon advance or sodium Alginate products keep the pepsin from floating up. That an a wedge pillow have totally stopped this from happening. I hope this helps someone!

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Here is a photo of the scabs I used to get! The problem went away while I was sick and eating a lot less. It came back after I got married and wanted to impress my husband with my culinary skills. I avoid all acidic foods, spicy, onions, garlic, dairy, caffeine and sugar- sparkling water which I was drinking a ton of before this came back- as I’m still in the healing phase. As you heal you begin to feel the burning. My scope showed I had damage and I couldn’t feel it until it was really bad and making quarts of mucus every time I ate anything. Unfortunately for most people with this issue will require a lifelong commitment to a diet that is free of your triggers. Everyone’s are different. It can take 6 weeks to several months for the tissue to heal enough for the irritation and therefore the scab to stop forming, it depends on how bad the damage is. I started feeling relief after just a few days and have not had a scab reform in the last month and a half, although I am not totally free of the other symptoms yet. I have to spray enough of the mist into each nostril to get it to run down my throat a tiny bit to hit that spot.