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Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Jul 9, 2016 | Replies (25)

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The first fall I was in pain and tired. I was doing something not that complicated on a level surface. Unfortunately it was concrete. I was bending over.
The second time I was in level 8 pain and going to get water for my pain med. I noticed something was wrong with the railing so I let go and walked down the stairs to look at it and I fell.
Just now I almost fell down the concrete steps in front my house. I am in a level 9 pain and I had taken my pain med but it had not had time to work.
I am wondering if my pain meds need to be increased. I am on two norco a day 500/325. It is difficult to get a higher dose because of all the concerns about opiates.
My pain level is never below a 7 and usually is around an 8 and moves to a 10 about one day a week.
I do have a brain injury and it could me my brain is shutting down due to pain.
I have seen my nuerologist who has no answers, my internist who asked me why it was happening and PT who said my balance was acceptable.
So if anyone has any thoughts that would be great.

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Replies to "The first fall I was in pain and tired. I was doing something not that complicated..."

If your neurologist had no answers, did they take a blood test (normally CBC) to check for any system deficiencies; did they examine you; did you note to them, items like you've told us before they said "they have no answers." Maybe it's time to seek a Second Opinion from another doctor, Primary Care, Hematologist (blood), so they have a bese from which to analyze your problem.