Excessive white sinus mucous/no allergies/no sinusitis

Posted by ddanca @ddanca, Mar 11, 2024

Everything started about 5 months ago. I felt sick; just tired and achy with a stuffed up nose. Two weeks in, the general Dr gave me augmentin for a sinus infection which I did not think I had but took the antibiotic. After a week, I felt better but had excessive gel like mucous in my sinuses. I was going though a box of Kleenex a day and could not sleep because I was gagging. Went back to my ENT. I had deviated septum surgery in June and wanted him to check it wasn't from that. Over the course of the next 4 months, I have had a scope, a culture, allergy testing, a sinus ct that showed a small cyst in one sinus that Most mucous is coming from, had various nasal sprays, a compound antibiotic to put in saline 2x's a day, using a navage, and month long doxycycline prescription. NOTHING is working! I was told the cyst would not cause this... I do have silent reflux and they had me try taking omaprozole 2x's a day for a month. No change. At one point, I ended up with a lung infection, coughing up jelly like yellow mucous. This mucous is thick, clear/white and sits far back in my sinuses. I feel like as soon as I clear it out, it is right back. Sometimes after eating, it gets worse...cold it be a gluten intolerance? I am not allergic though..help! I am beside myself. This is horrible. Thanks for any ideas. I am not even sure where to follow up with what type of doctor. A neurologist was thrown out there as a suggestion from the ENT

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Yep I’m suffering too from dreadful thick white catarrh. If I look at my tonsils with a mini torch it’s gross they’re covered in a thick white film.. The worst problem is at night when I suddenly feel I’m choking. This all happened from catching Covid in December 2022. It caused a lower lobe of lung to collapse and inflammation of liver. I was treated with antibiotics and steroids. 3weeks later finally feeling better that horrid catarrh started.. Was given all sorts of nasal sprays sinus washes,antibiotics which Inever had green phlegm.
I lost appetite and went down 2 stone in weight
. Never lost sense of taste or smell My ENT showed tiny polyp. Due to sudden weight loss all examined re gut and they found that Covid had caused severe extensive gastritis yet I never had pain or heartburn
. I have mild vertigo too. About 3 months ago I thought it was going away then suddenly returned. At night I barely sleep due to the choking and all day I have a post nasal drip. I just want it to end it’s been so long. My big hobby is singing and trying to time soprano notes with constant need to swallow catarrh makes me despair and sad it ruins my love of singing. Lack of sleep destroys how much I can do next day. Really fed up.


Yep I’m suffering too from dreadful thick white catarrh. If I look at my tonsils with a mini torch it’s gross they’re covered in a thick white film.. The worst problem is at night when I suddenly feel I’m choking. This all happened from catching Covid in December 2022. It caused a lower lobe of lung to collapse and inflammation of liver. I was treated with antibiotics and steroids. 3weeks later finally feeling better that horrid catarrh started.. Was given all sorts of nasal sprays sinus washes,antibiotics which Inever had green phlegm.
I lost appetite and went down 2 stone in weight
. Never lost sense of taste or smell My ENT showed tiny polyp. Due to sudden weight loss all examined re gut and they found that Covid had caused severe extensive gastritis yet I never had pain or heartburn
. I have mild vertigo too. About 3 months ago I thought it was going away then suddenly returned. At night I barely sleep due to the choking and all day I have a post nasal drip. I just want it to end it’s been so long. My big hobby is singing and trying to time soprano notes with constant need to swallow catarrh makes me despair and sad it ruins my love of singing. Lack of sleep destroys how much I can do next day. Really fed up.

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God Bless You! I had a bad case of COVID in 2022 and then a mild case in 2023. I have Long COVID. I have that thick mucosy slimy stuff too. Suggestions that have helped BUT not healed me:

1) Warm Salt Water
2) Coconut Oil Pulling
3) Keep Acid reflux down with ginger chews, Gaviscon & Protonix 20 mg (Prescription).
4) Scrape my tongue once a day and use Peroxdyl (Colgate) and rinse.
5) Keep your mouth extremely clean. Listerine was recommended after I brush and floss.
6) I went to 4 doctors about this and a Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it only showed normal mouth bacteria....this stuff is not normal.
7) I've trice NAC & Guafenisin (Over the counter), but they are drying to the eyes. They help a little.

COVID caused this in me no doubt. Salty foods, Sweets & if I get an upper respiratory virus it makes it so much worse for a few days. I choke on this stuff at night, BUT, I will say, it has gotten a little better over time.

Praying for you right now. Its very frustrating. Doctors were not prepared for COVID and a lot of them still do not know what to do for Long Covid.

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