Inconclusive PET; biopsy question

Posted by grandpop1949 @grandpop1949, Mar 22, 2024

2.3 cm nodule SUV 2.4) in right upper lung; cervical lymph node with hyper metabolic activity with max SUV 3.3. What type biopsy is recommended?

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Hi @grandpop1949, Have you received any additional information on your next steps?

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Yes. Thanks for asking. Having a robotic bronchoscopic biopsy at Penn Med in Philadelphia next week.


Thank you Lisa. I am seeing a Pulmonologist on Friday, and, will be having a PET scan, hopefully soon.
Yes, I am the patient.


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Good luck to you Mark @pazart , Pulmonology and a PET scan are great next steps.


Yes. Thanks for asking. Having a robotic bronchoscopic biopsy at Penn Med in Philadelphia next week.

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Good luck with the bronchoscopy @grandpop1949. It sounds like you are in good hands. I've tolerated the procedures quite well but expect some coughing for a few days after. Hopefully this will lead to some conclusive answers.


Good luck to you Mark @pazart , Pulmonology and a PET scan are great next steps.

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Thanks Lisa!


Hello @grandpop1949 , Welcome to Mayo Connect. The size of the nodule and lymph node activity certainly warrants further investigation. The uptake numbers aren’t off the charts so no need to panic yet, but I know it’s easy to say that, and more difficult to actually do. Needle Biopsy of lymph fluid is generally easier than nodules, simply because of the location. Lung nodules can be accessed through different types of biopsy depending on the location or the nodule. Some hospitals offer robotic bronchoscopy that can access nodules deep in the lung. I’ve had needle biopsies, EBUS (which is ultrasound guided), and robotic. I have them all covered, ha, lucky me!
What has your doctor recommended? Are you seeing a pulmonologist at this point?

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Robotic bronchoscopy biopsy at Penn Med. Feel like in good hands.


Robotic bronchoscopy biopsy at Penn Med. Feel like in good hands.

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Hi @grandpop1949, I'm thinking of you. How are you feeling? Was the biopsy helpful in determining the makeup of the nodules?

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