MCTD and Angular Cheilitis

Posted by doublel @doublel, Jan 28, 2024

I was recently diagnosed with MCTD. I frequently get angular cheilitis. It seems to happen when I don’t feel well. The rheumatologist doesn’t think it is related to MCTD. I think it is. Does anyone else get angular cheilitis with MCTD? Thank

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Interesting. When my autoimmune disease was very active, my labs were consistent with an MCTD label, although I did not have all the symptoms necessary for such a diagnosis. (Am now diagnosed with UCTD.) But I also suffered with angular cheilitis, during periods where my immune system was at a low ebb.

It would seem to make sense that it is related to how well our immune system is behaving!


Angular cheilitis is often related to a low grade yeast colonization.
Makes sense if your immunity is off or you on immunosuppressant


Angular cheilitis has many causes and associated conditions. If you go to the website you will find an article that lists all of these. Autoimmune disorders are commonly associated with AC as well as iron deficiency, dry mouth as seen in Sjögrens, vitamin deficiencies, the list is extensive! I think your observations are valid and the question is do you need any diagnostic tests to rule out infection, anemia, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, etc. AC is clearly annoying and may require specific treatment if a cause is identified or it lasts a long time.


re: Angular Chelitis.
I was diagnosed with this March 16, 2024 and was told it often accompanies Sjogren's Syndrome, which I have. They prescribed the steroid, Triamcinolone cream, a 6-day supply of foil-pack steroids & they gave me a steroid injection. However, sixteen (16) days later, I still have it. My lips burn or sting, and it feels like I have blisters on them. They are not cold sores or canker sores. They are blisters from who knows what, but it further exacerbates the painful burning. We moved into this new state and the clinics that diagnose the issue take too long to make a referral to a rheumatologist. Does anyone have any helps they use to heal their lips and/or make them stop burning?


re: Angular Chelitis.
I was diagnosed with this March 16, 2024 and was told it often accompanies Sjogren's Syndrome, which I have. They prescribed the steroid, Triamcinolone cream, a 6-day supply of foil-pack steroids & they gave me a steroid injection. However, sixteen (16) days later, I still have it. My lips burn or sting, and it feels like I have blisters on them. They are not cold sores or canker sores. They are blisters from who knows what, but it further exacerbates the painful burning. We moved into this new state and the clinics that diagnose the issue take too long to make a referral to a rheumatologist. Does anyone have any helps they use to heal their lips and/or make them stop burning?

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@consekaus I’m sorry but I don’t have an answer for you. Maybe @slkanowitz will be able to answer your question. I do know that you have to be careful with acidic or citrus foods that may touch your lips.
You may also want to check out other sjogren’sdiscussions
Here are 2 discussions where you can also ask your question .
Have you gone back to the clinic, where you got the medicine, and asked for help again?


re: Angular Chelitis.
I was diagnosed with this March 16, 2024 and was told it often accompanies Sjogren's Syndrome, which I have. They prescribed the steroid, Triamcinolone cream, a 6-day supply of foil-pack steroids & they gave me a steroid injection. However, sixteen (16) days later, I still have it. My lips burn or sting, and it feels like I have blisters on them. They are not cold sores or canker sores. They are blisters from who knows what, but it further exacerbates the painful burning. We moved into this new state and the clinics that diagnose the issue take too long to make a referral to a rheumatologist. Does anyone have any helps they use to heal their lips and/or make them stop burning?

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I don’t get blisters but I get cracks in the corners of my mouth. I have tried steroids and it doesn’t works. I was recently proscribed Ketoconazole Cream and it works for me. I use it twice a day and I have not had a problem since.


Consekaus. this problem can be difficult to figure out. Here are some possible ideas of what might be causing this. If the burning pain and blisters are across the lips and not just in corners, it can be from an allergic reaction to lipstick, especially if there’s any itching involved. Sun exposure can cause a photodermatitis like this. Using a hypoallergenic lipstick with sunscreen may help. Some people with Sjogre
ns lick their lips constantly because of the dryness and an artificial saliva spray may help along with vaseline on lips. The ketonazole cream mentioned above is an antifungal cream. A dermatologist would be your best bet for help from a medical standpoint. Good luck. Lips are so sensitive and it’s miserable to have something wrong with them!

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