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I had cardiac catheterization surgery in December and it was determined that NOTHING was wrong with my heart. Nobody EVER believes that when you have a 15 year old hip replacement joint and you’re having an echocardiogram, your pain is intense. My replaced/revised L hip implant is starting to click and stick. I asked if my intense pain could cause my echocardiogram to make my R ventricular pressure appear higher than it normally is. No. Like I don’t know my body and how much agony I was in. The table they use is pressboard with a laminate coating and no cushion whatsoever. I started using the pillow for my head to put under my hip because I had a few follow-up echoes. They were a lot better. In early December, they had a student in the room with the Technician and I was distracted and I forgot to ask them about a pillow. My R ventricle pressure was back up. They refused to allow me to have my hip replacement surgery. Well, FF to March 2024 and now I have severe AFib. I was injured during the procedure in December of 2023 and mine is not temporary. It’s permanent. I was given a sample pack of Eliquis and I started taking them and the next morning, I woke up with EXTREME muscle pain down both legs (front and back) and my spine was sore. I couldn’t imagine what was happening but I was still digesting my diagnosis and I took it on the 2nd day too. The 2 morning after, I almost did not make it to the bathroom in time. My muscular leg pain was INTENSE. I realized that the only thing that changed was my starting Eliquis and I so, they gave me Xarelto. Same thing happened. I have a consultation with a Cardiologist to determine if I am eligible for The Watchman. I’m praying that I am. Oh! And on 3/20/2024, I was ready to go into the OR to finally get my new R hip and my AFib went berserk. Heart rate was 120 and my surgery was cancelled. Again! Now, I can barely walk. I live alone and I am 62. Has your muscular pain ever gotten better? I’m not sure how I can live alone anymore! I’m so scared! Plus, how can I possibly recover properly from hip replacement surgery if I can’t walk? I think I am in trouble here. AND, nobody seems to really believe that this is actually happening to me either! I have now done a LOT of research and the clinical trials of Eliquis were pretty much fudged and they did them in China! They didn’t want to injure Americans but the FDA approved it ANYWAY! Please tell me that you are much better now! Thank you!

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Replies to "I had cardiac catheterization surgery in December and it was determined that NOTHING was wrong with..."

I have been off the Eliquis since March 5th and there has been significant improvement in my muscle weakness in my legs but especially in my back.
Since they discovered the severe anemia (4.8 hemoglobin) and transfused me with 2 units packed cells my lab values have somewhat improved and hemoglobin has risen to 8.0. It has maintained at that level since transfusions.
My GI specialist agrees with me that the Eliquis had been a great contributing factor in the critical and is and accompanying fatigue and muscle weakness.
I have an appointment with a hematologist on Thursday to address the severe anemia and how we will treat it.
Have you had your labs done recently?
It’s not in your mind, this drug was definitely poison for me.