Low testosterone: What helps?

Posted by melissa123 @melissa123, Mar 29, 2024

My husband is 57 and has Low testosterone. Its about 150. He went to the urologist and they can not give him any hormones because he has some heart issues. He has lost 20 lbs and has about 20lbs to go. He has been regularly going to the gym. This has helped with his ED.

I am a woman so I don't know how a man feels but I know this has made him feel depressed because he feels I guess lest of a man if he is unable to perform sexually. (working out and some weight loss has definitely helped in this area) But I also know that he feels more tired because of the low levels.

Is there anything else he could do? Are there any supplements or food he should be eating?

Thanks in advance!

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I can imagine this would be concerning. I’m not a man, but I have read about various methods to deal with ED on diabetes websites. I don’t recall the details, but they included injections into the penis and implants. I hope you’ll get some responses. My impression was that there are options. I hope you can get get some help.


Implant !?
OMG that seems radical...
I've seen professionals on video doing advances stretches , very healthy diets - e g Keto diet that minimizes carbs , sugar, alcohol but allows certain fish, lean meats, cheeses to avoid even borderline diabetes that affects the prostrate gland and general energy ..


Implant !?
OMG that seems radical...
I've seen professionals on video doing advances stretches , very healthy diets - e g Keto diet that minimizes carbs , sugar, alcohol but allows certain fish, lean meats, cheeses to avoid even borderline diabetes that affects the prostrate gland and general energy ..

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implant? what do you mean by that?


See the previous email comment


@melissa123. Good morning. Just in terms of general well being - a super low testosterone level isn't good. In addition to ED issues - you have observed the side effects.

I've been hesitant to use hormones as the results might include some undesirable side effects. For years (10 or more...) I have used bio-identical pellet implants which time release what's needed to boost my testosterone levels. I have been very happy with the results.

One insertion every 6-9 months does it for me. Search for bio-identical testosterone. Has your husband tried that approach yet?


@melissa123 my Wife and I say "Hope is a wonderful drug" and reading your story is reminiscent of what I went through. One day, walking across the yard doing normal chores around the house I was just absolutely wiped out with no energy. "This just isn't right, something must be wrong" was my instant reaction. I suspect your husband suffers from low physical/mental energy and a general lack of enthusiasm for many things. Obviously, first solve the heart issues you mention. I have had an ablation for afib and a valve replacement. If you can't find a Doctor with a solution to those, find another Doctor and solve those. Then you can move on to solving the other issues, it can be done. I solved them and so can you and your husband. Best wishes and hang in there.


@melissa123 my Wife and I say "Hope is a wonderful drug" and reading your story is reminiscent of what I went through. One day, walking across the yard doing normal chores around the house I was just absolutely wiped out with no energy. "This just isn't right, something must be wrong" was my instant reaction. I suspect your husband suffers from low physical/mental energy and a general lack of enthusiasm for many things. Obviously, first solve the heart issues you mention. I have had an ablation for afib and a valve replacement. If you can't find a Doctor with a solution to those, find another Doctor and solve those. Then you can move on to solving the other issues, it can be done. I solved them and so can you and your husband. Best wishes and hang in there.

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Thanks for writing. My husband had 2 stents put in because he had a blockage. He is on medication because of this which may also affect his testosterone levels. Luckily he did not have a heart attack. My husband is the kind of guy who is busy all the time either working, being involved with a charitable organization which we have many social obligations or working around the house. I did not realize he felt so tired until he told me so he made an appointment with the cardiologist. Cardiologist said his heart was fine so he went to a urologist who said he has low testosterone but keep exercising and watch alcohol consumption and that she wouldn't be able to treat him with hormones because of the medication he is on. She said testosterone therapy has many side effects for people with heart issues. So we are looking to see if anyone knows of anything other than what he is doing. What have you done to make you feel better?


@melissa123. Good morning. Just in terms of general well being - a super low testosterone level isn't good. In addition to ED issues - you have observed the side effects.

I've been hesitant to use hormones as the results might include some undesirable side effects. For years (10 or more...) I have used bio-identical pellet implants which time release what's needed to boost my testosterone levels. I have been very happy with the results.

One insertion every 6-9 months does it for me. Search for bio-identical testosterone. Has your husband tried that approach yet?

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Where do these implants get implanted ? DIRECTLY into the penis ?


@melissa123. Good morning. Just in terms of general well being - a super low testosterone level isn't good. In addition to ED issues - you have observed the side effects.

I've been hesitant to use hormones as the results might include some undesirable side effects. For years (10 or more...) I have used bio-identical pellet implants which time release what's needed to boost my testosterone levels. I have been very happy with the results.

One insertion every 6-9 months does it for me. Search for bio-identical testosterone. Has your husband tried that approach yet?

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No he hasn't. We will have to look into it. Thank you for the advice. I don't know if this type of treatment is ok with heart issues.


No he hasn't. We will have to look into it. Thank you for the advice. I don't know if this type of treatment is ok with heart issues.

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@melissa123 - You have the right questions in mind. Now, be a great advocate for your husband in finding the best course forward and good luck!

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