Scab inside of left nose not healing

Posted by ofbushido @ofbushido, Mar 27, 2021

Hello All,

I have a scab inside my left nose for the last couple of months that won't heal. It's on the mucous membrane. I reached out to my doctor who later referred me to an ENT, but their treatment is not working, so I'm looking for someone who experienced this before and could perhaps help me out. They think it's just dry nose.

At first I noticed the scab when I was blowing my nose and saw dried blood and felt stinging. When I looked inside my nose with an otoscope, I saw the attached pictures, which I sent to my doctor. He said it's an infection and put me on a 10 day Mupirocin ointment with instruction to keep it moist for a week after that antibiotics course is done. So I applied saline gel every two hours for a week straight, but as you can see from the pictures the scab is back at full force, so I don't think it's related to dryness, but I'm not a doctor.

Here is a description of the pics:
Pic 1: before the Mupirocin treatment started
Pic 2: halfway through the treatment
Pic 3: after the Mupirocin treatment ended
Pic 4: now

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Did anyone find a solution to this I am suffering since a long time with the same issue ENT asked me to apply Mupirocin for a month but I doubt it will help



Did anyone find a solution to this I am suffering since a long time with the same issue ENT asked me to apply Mupirocin for a month but I doubt it will help

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Personally, I would try a Dermatologist. I had a growth inside my nose years ago that was removed and treated by a Dermatologist. I cannot remember what she gave me to put on it....sorry. I know that Mupirocin is a very strong antibiotic ointment, but, everyone does not respond to it, I personally have when I've been treated with it. I would request the ENT culture the area to see what kind of antibiotic is needed or go to a Dermatologist. Blessings & Prayers...


yes. I have had the same thing in my left sinus for the last 3 years. I have bounced around from dr to dr, had a ct scan, I have gone to multiple ENT's, given z packs, Mupirocin, do nettie pots multiple times a day, tried humidifier....nothing helps. It always feels like there is something in there, even when there isn't. This has never been an issue until covid came around. I have always ( and still am) suspicious of having some sort of long covid, or something to do with the covid shot. I get terrible head pressure, and got so light headed yesterday, I thought I was going to pass out. I am a 49 year old male, and in really good health. This is very frustrating that I can't seem o get answers from anyone. I am at wits end, and willing to try anything. My last Dr said he is out of ideas, and the only other thing he can think of is surgery, although, he said that may actually make the problem worse! Ugh. Please help.


Hi all!
I happened to run across this and had to jump in because I too have had that same problem in my left nostril but I’ve had it since 2019! I’ve been seen multiple times by regular docs, they gave me the same Mupuricin, along with an oral antibiotic b/c the very first biopsy test said it was a staff infection. I did the antibiotics and mupuricin for the two weeks and it’s seemed to kinda go away, but it can back shortly after.
It’s been biopsied twice again and it all came back negative for staff or anything really. The ENT at OMC used some Liquid Metal stuff she put on the open raw skin after she scraped the scab off. Apparently that Liquid Metal burns the skin but she was trying to kill off that area in hopes to refresh it. That was last year and it came back/never was affected by that metal stuff.
I keep hearing “dry air” but I’m MN there’s constant humidity for months and I’ve even used a dehumidifier in my bedroom. So I feel it’s something else.
I have an ENT Appt at Mayo in Rochester on 12/5 and I’m hoping they can figure out what this is. It’s gotten worse to the point that my left sinus seems to feel almost raw or irritated. I cannot see “dry air” being the culprit for a three year scab that causes nose bleeds when I deal in out in order to get air flow. My right nostril is somewhat closed and less air gets through that one (that an ENT pointed out when I went to OMC here.
I’m hoping Mayo doesn’t send me home with a third bottle of mupuricin and some saline to spray up my nose to keep it moist. I’m at the end of my rapidly fraying rope with this scab.. it’s now become an all day every day battle…

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I know this is old but did you ever find out anything about the nose sore that won’t heal when you went to Mayo?



Did anyone find a solution to this I am suffering since a long time with the same issue ENT asked me to apply Mupirocin for a month but I doubt it will help

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Have you found any answers yet?


I know this is old but did you ever find out anything about the nose sore that won’t heal when you went to Mayo?

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Welcome to Connect @alicoleman84
Reading through this thread it appears that this is a common issue that is not easily resolved. I have not experienced this problem myself, but will share my opinion after 40 years as a veterinarian and 12 years with ENT experience battling Head and Neck cancer.
The commonly prescribed antibiotic Mupirocin is used because the doctors are assuming that the bacteria causing a small localized infection may be susceptible to it. Many of us, even when healthy, carry MRSA in our nasal cavities. It doesn't cause a problem until maybe there is a break in the skin or mucous membrane that allows it to penetrate deeper, creating a chronic infection there. This organism can be susceptible to Mupirocin but needs long term use to conquer weeks to months.
As a side note, I have had good luck with using medical grade Manuka Honey on animals with chronic skin lesions. It is not only antibacterial but it stimulates healing. Medical grade is different from the honey we buy in the store. I get it via Amazon. and Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. It can be messy to use but I have seen great results in otherwise unhealing cases.
I would recommend that any chronic sore be checked by your physician, as skin cancers can present as a lesion that will not heal. Have you consulted your PCP or an ENT about this issue?


I’m here looking for guidance too. The spot on the inside of my right nostril suddenly developed as a sharp stinging sensation in Feb. this year. At the same time, I had a runny nose, ear ache and sore throat. It was a Sunday and I called the telehealth doctor, who said to apply a little antibacterial ointment, warm compresses and allergy med for head congestion. I did and things improved. However, a couple of weeks later the sharp needle like sensation returned. I showed it to the PA at my primary office because I was there for something else , who said it was likely allergies and to do the same thing. Except, I can’t take antihistamines any more due to drying my eyes out, And Flonase causes me blurred vision. I do have seasonal allergies and my nose runs water most of the time. Plus, I have post covid syndrome diagnosed by ENT, prior to the nose pain.

The nostril has never been red or swollen. No bleeding. No real symptoms of the needle sticking in me sensation now, just a little sore. I have continued with OTC antibacterial ointment, which helps, but returns when I stop. It’s quite concerning. I have an appointment with my dermatologist soon, I hate it when something small causes so much worry. I’ll ask her to take a biopsy.


I’m here looking for guidance too. The spot on the inside of my right nostril suddenly developed as a sharp stinging sensation in Feb. this year. At the same time, I had a runny nose, ear ache and sore throat. It was a Sunday and I called the telehealth doctor, who said to apply a little antibacterial ointment, warm compresses and allergy med for head congestion. I did and things improved. However, a couple of weeks later the sharp needle like sensation returned. I showed it to the PA at my primary office because I was there for something else , who said it was likely allergies and to do the same thing. Except, I can’t take antihistamines any more due to drying my eyes out, And Flonase causes me blurred vision. I do have seasonal allergies and my nose runs water most of the time. Plus, I have post covid syndrome diagnosed by ENT, prior to the nose pain.

The nostril has never been red or swollen. No bleeding. No real symptoms of the needle sticking in me sensation now, just a little sore. I have continued with OTC antibacterial ointment, which helps, but returns when I stop. It’s quite concerning. I have an appointment with my dermatologist soon, I hate it when something small causes so much worry. I’ll ask her to take a biopsy.

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Hello. I recommend a follow up with your ENT regarding the ongoing nose issues & scab/ sensation; etc.
I’ve had 2 uncontrollable bloody noses in the last 6 months! One sent me to the ER where I got a Rapid Rhino shoved up there & taped to my face for 3 days until ENT could remove; & the other I was able to have my ENT cauterize. I live with a rare spinal disease & after reviewing the very few things I can take for it; I realized that the combination of my 1Tbsp of daily liquid Fish Oil AND my 500mg Naproxen was “Thinning my Blood too much!
I mention that because “medications” can often be the culprit to causing/ creating other issues or affecting different parts of the body.
Also, I mention another visit with your ENT because mine has been Amazing with ALL things nasal; including using Aquaphor (2x daily) to heal the cauterized scabs but ONLY for 2 weeks because it can cause LUNG issues! So; I use AYR now for the dryness; which is a safer alternative to keeping things moist & comfortable. I use a Q-tip to apply the ointment and to clean any debris instead of digging with anything else now & potentially scratching the inside!
I hope you find this helpful & get some answers/ relief soon. Best wishes ❤️


Bless you! I'm sure that is miserable. I wonder if an ENT could do a culture of the place. I know Mupirocin has been mentioned, but, it is a strong topical antibiotic that could be used with a q-tip.

I have long COVID too and am I much more prone to infections....Could all of this be COVID related? I don't know.

Praying for you. I care.


Good points! I have a standing appointment with the ENT for my taste/smell disorder. So, I’ll mention it then. I was actually planning to move that to a different provider who has a post covid treatment program. We’ll see. I wonder if my nose is so sore due to me wiping it so much. I use soft tissue, but the water drips a lot.

It’s ironic, but my nose issues started soon after I started using Ayr nasal moisturizer! Idk, it’s confusing. I also take 2000 units fish oil daily. No other blood thinners though. I am instructed to take for my dry eyes by ophthalmologist. No bleeding from nose.

It’s been a little better the last couple of days. Yaay.

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