Chronic Throat Clearing - a no-no!!

Posted by becleartoday @becleartoday, Mar 25 8:40am

I felt like a movie star years ago, walking into the Sean Parker Voice Institute in New York City. The halls were lined with signed photographs from famous actors and singers. Not being able to carry a tune made me feel out of place, but, hey, I was there to find out why I was often hoarse.

While I was sitting on the exam table, talking to the doctor, I cleared my throat. "Don't do that!" she said. "Clearing your throat is harsh on your vocal cords and can cause inflammation. Instead, take a sip of water. And, if you don't have water available, try to suppress the urge."

I've done pretty well over time and I must say I clear my throat very infrequently now. Recently, reading an Instagram post by Dr. Inna Husain, an ENT, I see she also says throat clearing is a no-no. In addition to taking a sip of water, she suggests if we don't have water available to do a hard swallow.

She explains that clearing our throat can traumatize our vocal cords and create a hypersensitivity and mucus.

Dr. Husain suggests using .9 % saline to moisten our vocal cords. And, of course, many of us are already nebulizing for our bronchiectasis and I imagine nebbing salty saline could actually irritate our cords!!!

Perhaps we could ask our medical team if it makes sense when we find ourselves clearing our throat a lot, to moisten our cords by nebulizing with .9 isotonic solution.

Also, I suggest becoming more aware of when we clear our throat and to try to suppress the urge. Come up with a few ways of dealing with it, such as sucking a non-mentholated candy, taking a few puffs on our Aerobika or drinking water.

Happy Monday,

Linda Esposito

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@becleartoday Could your ENT tel where the mucus in the throat originated? Sinuses, chest, other?


Thanks for the tips. I wish I didn’t have need to clear so much.


@becleartoday Could your ENT tel where the mucus in the throat originated? Sinuses, chest, other?

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Some postnasal drip was evident. But I don’t remember if she said anything else, other than not to clear my throat 🙂 Linda


Also when you have post nasal drip it can lead to a reflexive type dry cough as though trying to clear the drip out of your throat. This is an unnecessary cough like clearing your throat and instead of allowing yourself to cough you should force a swallow in this case too or drink water or suck on a menthol type lozenge. The tickle in the throat type cough is just a reflex as I understand it anyway.


Wow, so glad to read your post, Linda. Very timely, indeed, since I have noticed an increased need to clear my throat lately. This has not happened in the past, just about the last week or so. I will especially heed your advice as I am a singer/musician currently performing around L.A. Thanks again!


Enjoy your performance!


What is the problem with mentholated cough drops? Just wondering, thanks


Mint and menthol can be GERD triggers


I chew gum, hum, and sing when I'm alone especially to prep for speaking on the phone or face to face.


I've kind'a asked this before but this gives more possible explanation.
Does anyone have information or knowledge about how a hiatal hernia (I have a small hiatal hernia) might affect or be the cause of the need to clear the throat. My need to clear my throat is due to what feels like a lump in the throat. It also just seems to come up on its own into the mouth during the day and when I am trying to fall asleep. The clearing of the throat brings up white, foamy, bubbly water like substance with what feels like and seems to be clear mucus.......that eventaully at times goes to a perfectly clear foamy, bubbly substance. That's what I have all day long.

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