Hair Loss Remedies for Thinning Hair on aromatase inhibitors?

Posted by nd14 @nd14, Jun 6, 2023

Hi! I’m about to start endocrine therapy (AI plus Lupron) and am wondering if anyone has used any topical creams that helped with hair thinning, something I am afraid of (along w all the other side effects)!

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After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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I understand how upsetting this can be. I suffered excessive shedding due to substantial weight loss and/or post covid syndrome. Mine was due to telogen effluvium. My dermatologist said it would return over time. She did prescribe me medication, which I haven’t taken, since it seems to be resolving on its own.

Did your doctor mention the medication you were taking causing hair loss? I’d likely discuss it with them and consult with a dermatologist to get an official diagnosis and prognosis. And see if there is any treatment options. I hope you find some answers and help to get things resolved. Good luck!


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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I just switched 2 weeks ago from arimidex to exemestrane because of a positive result to a ctDNA test. The insomnia is worse and my hair seems thinner already. It did thin a bit with the arimidex but it just is flat and lifeless.


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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@sanantoniomimi I understand your distress at the hair loss. I took years of hormone therapy and my hair got got quite thin. The breakage is also a thing for me. I never had nerve enough to go to the dermatologist because I am quite sure I would get the same answer as I got with the rashes during chemo. The only one in our area is an old guy who just says “but you are alive, right?”. If you live in a larger area I would definitely consider it. There might be more you can do. Sadly mine has not gotten thicker, I am able to grow it a little longer again but it is quite thin.
Have you tried anything to try and protect it from breakage?


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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Thank you for responding. I did go to the dermatologist and he suggested Rogaine.
Both he and my oncologist also told me stress can also contribute to the hair loss. As much as I try to ignore the condition our country is in, I am convinced that is part of the problem. I was a history teacher for nearly 30 years, so it is in my DNA.
Thanks again.
Honestly I have so many other medical issues I am dealing with that I choose not to return to the dermatologist.
I am taking the wait and see attitude.


Thank you for responding. I did go to the dermatologist and he suggested Rogaine.
Both he and my oncologist also told me stress can also contribute to the hair loss. As much as I try to ignore the condition our country is in, I am convinced that is part of the problem. I was a history teacher for nearly 30 years, so it is in my DNA.
Thanks again.
Honestly I have so many other medical issues I am dealing with that I choose not to return to the dermatologist.
I am taking the wait and see attitude.

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Glad to see your update. I chose to wait on starting Minoxidil, but think I am going to start it after all. I’ve read that timing can be an issue…….idk. Even though mine seems to be resolving…I may still get the benefits. I’m treating my anxiety with therapy.


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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I was on several different aromatase inhibitors for 4 years and then switched to Tamoxifen hoping my joints would improve. My hair fell out in massive amounts. I ended up getting a "topper" that blended in with my remaining hair. I stopped the Tamoxifen and went back to Letrozole. My hair stopped falling out and slowly grew back in! Still on Letrozole for another 3.5 years. My joints hurt but I have hair!!!
I know that everyone experiences different side effects from AI's 🙁 Minoxidil works to keep your remaining hair from falling out. You must keep using it until you leave this earth.
Dermatologists can help you understand what is available currently. If you can get a few recommendations before you make an appointment, they might really help you navigate this cruel side effect.


After taking Exemestane for 2.5 years my hair started to thin and became very brittle. It started breaking off. I never saw clumps of hair, or hair on my pillow or towel. At this point, after another 6 months, my hair is about an inch long.
I am curious if it is going to all fall out and if after stopping the medication in 2 years, will my hair grow back?

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Thank you for your response. I got the Rogaine suggested, but never used it. I was told it would not prevent the hair from falling out if I was still on the Exemestane. I prefer to lose it rather than have the thin brittle hair.


I was on several different aromatase inhibitors for 4 years and then switched to Tamoxifen hoping my joints would improve. My hair fell out in massive amounts. I ended up getting a "topper" that blended in with my remaining hair. I stopped the Tamoxifen and went back to Letrozole. My hair stopped falling out and slowly grew back in! Still on Letrozole for another 3.5 years. My joints hurt but I have hair!!!
I know that everyone experiences different side effects from AI's 🙁 Minoxidil works to keep your remaining hair from falling out. You must keep using it until you leave this earth.
Dermatologists can help you understand what is available currently. If you can get a few recommendations before you make an appointment, they might really help you navigate this cruel side effect.

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@roewes07 ,

Are you still taking the Minoxidil?

My dermatologist said it would help until I get my regrowth due to telogen effluvium (quick weight loss and anxiety). One would need to continue taking it indefinitely if the underlying cause continues, but not if it resolves. That was my understanding.


@roewes07 ,

Are you still taking the Minoxidil?

My dermatologist said it would help until I get my regrowth due to telogen effluvium (quick weight loss and anxiety). One would need to continue taking it indefinitely if the underlying cause continues, but not if it resolves. That was my understanding.

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I am currently not on Minoxidil. You are 100% right about a continuous daily application IF the underlying cause is stress or a drug. But my philosophy is, I do what needs to be done to make sure I feel the best about myself. Sending only good wishes and strength to you‼️🌺

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