Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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I intentionally join this forum to share my experience . I am on Gabapentin for over a year going from 100 mg a day going up to 700 mg . Each time with a 200 mg raise, my right leg neuropathy pain subsides for a short time and come back with a vengeance.
Somehow, I stumbled on a supplement called Alpha Lipoic Acid . After further research, with nothing to lose , I tried using it, taking 2 600 mg capsules a day. It's only less than $25 for 4 months supply ( Amazon , Ebay or many other supplement sites ) . It's almost 2 months now so far, I notice my leg pain is much better. Even I still feel the pain during the day and more noticeable at night, but it is fairly mild and not having to take Motrin or Tylenol at bedtime. I even test to lower my Gabapentin dose to 600 mg . It is still early to tell, but not having to go back to the doctor to increase my dosage is a very good sign and give me hope for better result and may be able to keep lowering my Gabapentin dosage.
I hope this help

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What brand of lipic acid do you use? There are soo many different ones.


I just started it and was taking 100mg 3x a day but yesterday I cut to 2x a day because it does make me tired but I do need it for nerve pain. It was given to me in the ER but I have my first appt. in a couple of days with a neurologist. I was afraid of side effects from cutting back but so far I'm ok.


If you continue taking it for a few weeks to a few months the tiredness side effect may improve or even go away.. You may also want to decrease your dose like you're doing and titrate slower than usual to give your brain time to adjust to the medication. Anticonvulsants are notorious for causing fatigue. I have Epilepsy and have taken them for nearly 60 years.
Good luck,


Very glad you vented about those rx's.what alternatives?? Mike

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Well the doctor wants me to try Cymbalta and doesn’t understand why i don’t want it. I’m trying PEA and R-Lipoic Acid as well as CBD. Too early to say if it will help. I have to watch more injections, as I now have Osteopenia. I have had 4 facet injections, epidural, 2 Rhysotomy’s. And trigger point injections. 18 months ago I walked 5 miles a day and was at the gym often . I loved working outdoors. Strange how you wake up one morning and your life goes in another direction. I refuse to quit . Thanks for letting me vent.


You could try the lowest dosage of Gabapentin and take it at bedtime.

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I did but my sensitivity to it was terrible.


I’m taking 100mg twice a day for Pudendal Neuralgia. It’s not helping very much. The doctor said I could increase my dose, but when I took 200mg I experienced a heaviness and pressure in my chest that felt like I couldn’t breathe! I have no idea what kind of side effect that is.


I intentionally join this forum to share my experience . I am on Gabapentin for over a year going from 100 mg a day going up to 700 mg . Each time with a 200 mg raise, my right leg neuropathy pain subsides for a short time and come back with a vengeance.
Somehow, I stumbled on a supplement called Alpha Lipoic Acid . After further research, with nothing to lose , I tried using it, taking 2 600 mg capsules a day. It's only less than $25 for 4 months supply ( Amazon , Ebay or many other supplement sites ) . It's almost 2 months now so far, I notice my leg pain is much better. Even I still feel the pain during the day and more noticeable at night, but it is fairly mild and not having to take Motrin or Tylenol at bedtime. I even test to lower my Gabapentin dose to 600 mg . It is still early to tell, but not having to go back to the doctor to increase my dosage is a very good sign and give me hope for better result and may be able to keep lowering my Gabapentin dosage.
I hope this help

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I just ordered the lipoic acid from Amazon. Will start with the 100 mg, and go from there. Thanks for the suggestion. I’m just started back on gabapentin at night, 300 mg. for sciatica and leg pain.


I’m taking 100mg twice a day for Pudendal Neuralgia. It’s not helping very much. The doctor said I could increase my dose, but when I took 200mg I experienced a heaviness and pressure in my chest that felt like I couldn’t breathe! I have no idea what kind of side effect that is.

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Are you taking opioids, using other depressants or have a respiratory illnesse?


Are you taking opioids, using other depressants or have a respiratory illnesse?

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I have no respiratory issues. Yes, I do take 2 Percocet-5 a day for chronic pain. And I suffer from bad anxiety. Does Gabapentin cause anxiety?


It may be the combination of Gabapentin and the Percocet that are causing the respiratory issue.
All anti-seizure medications
including Gabapentin have suicidal ideation warnings. It can cause anxiety and depression. However, it is also a mood stabilizer and regularly prescribed to treat anxiety.
You might ask your physician if the combination of Gabapentin and percocet could cause the chest pressure and if it's something to be concerned about.
I'm sorry to hear you suffer from Pudendal Neuralgia, I understand that it's very painful. I hope your episodes are infrequent and short-lasting.
Take care,

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