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I was diagnosed with AFib after having Cardiac Catheterization surgery just shy of 3 months prior. No AFib was found and I was given a clean bill of heart health.

The morning after starting taking the sample pack Eliquis pill, I had a very difficult time getting up to use the bathroom and I didn’t know what was causing it. Day 2, same thing but it was worse.

I can barely walk! And I stopped taking the Eliquis and I was prescribed Xarelto. Same thing happened to me.

My Cardiologist said that it’s NOT related to me starting the Eliquis!

What can I show him so that he can see that it’s rare but it is definitely a side effect?

My PCP recommended the Watchman but the Cardiologist said that I would not qualify. As if I am making this up!

I have no life enjoyment whatsoever.

I don’t know what to do anymore.

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Replies to "I was diagnosed with AFib after having Cardiac Catheterization surgery just shy of 3 months prior...."

You say this started right after a cardiac procedure. Are you sure something from the cardiac procedure/anesthesia didn't have something to do with your problems? Did you start Eliquis immediately after the procedure? Your time line and history is hard to understand. That is why I am asking. If you do not have Afib then they are using this as a "preventative". If so could you taking to them to see if you can come off it for a few days to see how you feel. My brother has to come off his blood thinner for a number of dental procedures as long as he is not in Afib he is OK. You can always move to Coumadin. It is more work to keep you properly anti-coagulated but if it got rid of the fatigue you would have your life back.

It’s very difficult when a doctor doesn’t take our concerns seriously. Do as much investigating as possible. Did you have any of these problems prior to introducing Eliquis to the equation? Try to be specific, date time etc. if possible find a person to assist as your medical advocate, maybe a family member or nurse.
I’ve had a reaction to Eliquis and critically low blood values and finally I found my GI specialist agrees. Been off Eliquis 2.5 weeks and labs are looking better.
We know our bodies better than anyone…if something doesn’t feel right it’s not right. Keep seeking until you find the cause.

Thank you! I didn’t think my first attempt at posting this worked because I didn’t see it. I see it now but I posted another comment about the same thing. Since I posted this, I am actually worse. Stopping Eliquis and Xarelto hasn’t helped. I am MUCH worse. My PCP pushed my Cardiologist and I am meeting with the Interventional Cardiologist for a consultation and hopefully I will be approved for the Watchman procedure because I can’t take the blood thinners and I watched Coumadin kill my Mother. Her doctor even told her that it’s “Human Rat Poison”. I read about the “fudged” clinical trials of Eliquis in China. The FDA still approved it for all patients. It’s “Human Rat Poison” too. I just turned 62 and I can barely walk. I live alone. My Mother and my boyfriend died a week apart in 2018. I am completely alone and devastated by this! The walls are helping me to walk and I have gained almost 10lbs because I can’t burn any calories and I am now too heavy for hip replacement surgery anyway! I’m a mess. If you’re at all religious or spiritual, please say some prayers or send good thoughts to me. Thank you!

i took circulation evergreen as a natural alt to eliquis after dvt, worked for me, the eliquis is poison but doctors give it out like candy and won't admit what it can do