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Just thought I’d mention that my oncologist mentioned Tumeric does have estrogen characteristics so if anyone out there like me has estrogen fueled breast cancer I’d skip the Tumeric. One year into Letrozole for my breast cancer put me into osteoporosis at 58 yrs old. I was religious about Vit D, Citracal, Vit K and Magnesium and strength exercises but my endocrinologist said hard to make a difference on cancer meds so I have just started weekly Fosamax which I want thrilled about but fear of spinal fractures I guess is real!

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Replies to "Just thought I’d mention that my oncologist mentioned Tumeric does have estrogen characteristics so if anyone..."

My oncologist said DIM could also enhance reactivity to Estrogen, similar pathways. Ironically, I can use low dose transdermal estrogen, but not DIM.

I want to reply as I was on Fosamax but the doctor gave me information that
is important and my dentist told me the same information as well. I was
told Fosamax affects the mouth/jaw bones? And if you need dental work done,
it's best to tell dentist on Fosamax. Did the doctor tell you about this?
I'm just curious because i notice some doctors give important information
to me and others say nothing and I notice most doctors tell me nothing.