Faced with decision to have Bone Marrow Transplant or not

Posted by ajheustess @ajheustess, Aug 10, 2017

I am 67 year old female faced with a decision to have a bone marrow transplant or not. Please offer advice as to recovery and how it worked for you. Thank You, I need all the help I can get

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) & CAR-T Cell Therapy Support Group.


It is so helpful to hear from you! Next Friday I will have the first bone
marrow biopsy after completing round one of chemo. So everything depends on
those results. I am not always as patient with this process as I would
like. I am praying for wisdom.

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@omioften10 I’m a former Wisconsinite. I know a bit about transplant, but not bone marrow transplant. I have respect for Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I have a high regard for @loribmt. She knows a lot about this topic and has lots of experience. I’m a firm believer in prayer. I will join you in praying for wisdom and also God’s best for you in your current situation.


@omioften10 I’m a former Wisconsinite. I know a bit about transplant, but not bone marrow transplant. I have respect for Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I have a high regard for @loribmt. She knows a lot about this topic and has lots of experience. I’m a firm believer in prayer. I will join you in praying for wisdom and also God’s best for you in your current situation.

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Thank you for your prayers. I will be in prayer for you also.


I was recently diagnosed with AML. I am just completing my first 22 day
chemo cycle and will have another bone marrow biopsy next Friday to see how
I responded. Other than my bone marrow issue I am healthy and my doctors
have told me a transplant is my only chance for cure.

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Yes, a bone marrow transplant is the only cure is what we were told as well. My husband just had his one year post transplant. And yes in spite of all his ups and downs he says he would do it again. He is also 100% donor. Hang in there. Somehow looking back I forget some of the craziness. It seems time flew. 🙏


Thank you so much!

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Hi @omioften10. I just wanted to check in with you to see how your bmbx turned out! This was an important first biopsy after treatment so I’m hoping you got some good news. Any word yet??


Hi @omioften10. I just wanted to check in with you to see how your bmbx turned out! This was an important first biopsy after treatment so I’m hoping you got some good news. Any word yet??

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Good morning, and thank you for checking in with me. My biopsy shows I am in remission, " best possible outcome" according to my doctor! I am so happy.
Today I start my second round of chemo.
Next monday I will meet with my leukemia specialist to discuss pros and cons of a bone marrow transplant. I am 74, and praying for wisdom.
I am so tired most of the time. Ida


Good morning, and thank you for checking in with me. My biopsy shows I am in remission, " best possible outcome" according to my doctor! I am so happy.
Today I start my second round of chemo.
Next monday I will meet with my leukemia specialist to discuss pros and cons of a bone marrow transplant. I am 74, and praying for wisdom.
I am so tired most of the time. Ida

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Good morning, Ida! Yessss! Happy dance for you!! Congratulations with being in remission. I know that feeling!! Phew. The 2nd round of chemo should ‘seal the deal’ and keep you safe while decisions are made for the next treatment Then you and your doctor can take things from that point going forward. Fingers crossed to go ahead with the transplant. 😉
You’re in the best of hands with the team at Mayo so hang in there and keep me posted!! I’m heading there myself in a couple of weeks for my 5 year followup! That’s a biggie!! Too bad our appts didn’t overlap I’d meet you in a lounge somewhere!

What a lovely photo. Is this your handsome husband, Ida? You make a beautiful couple.


Thank you! The picture is of my husband and me at our 50th wedding anniversary celebration almost 3 years ago.


Thank you! The picture is of my husband and me at our 50th wedding anniversary celebration almost 3 years ago.

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Belated congratulations on that big anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating our 50th in May! The 4 of us young people could never have imagined what the ‘for worse’ portion of our wedding vows would entail, right? To have made it 50 years together shows the ‘tough stuff’ you’re made of…this is just one more little bump in the road. ☺️


Good morning, and thank you for checking in with me. My biopsy shows I am in remission, " best possible outcome" according to my doctor! I am so happy.
Today I start my second round of chemo.
Next monday I will meet with my leukemia specialist to discuss pros and cons of a bone marrow transplant. I am 74, and praying for wisdom.
I am so tired most of the time. Ida

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Hi Ida, I just wanted to check in with you to how your meeting the leukemia specialist went. Did you discuss having a bone marrow transplant?


Wishing you well on your biopsy. It’s an important one. It will let your doctor know how well the blasts were knocked down in that first round of chemo. Fingers crossed for you! I remember it all very well…I was going through all the chemo and then waiting for transplant 5 years ago right now. My first chemo was Feb 11, 2019. I had 2 more rounds after that which held me until the preconditioning chemo for transplant the end of June that year.
Wisdom will come as you keep plugging along with this! You’re being tossed an entirely new language and terminology you never expected to learn. Amazing what new tricks we ‘old dogs’ can learn, huh?
Now, patience, on the other hand is a tough one to learn. It’s as though this is all hurry up and wait…you’ll have quite a few hours waiting impatiently…sorry. ☺️ I spent lots of time with a little watercolor set I brought along, binging on Netflix, reading and sleeping.
I’m here anytime you need me. I’ll check in with you after next Friday too…let me know how you did, ok?

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Going for SCT evaluation on Friday 14th. Three rounds of chemo. My K/L has been reduced from 43 to 4. Red blood cells are .1 below min normal. Scared to death of side effects in SCT.

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