Tips for clonazepam taper

Posted by crbarefoot @crbarefoot, Feb 20 9:02am

I am working with a doctor to taper 0.5 mg clonazepam three times daily, for 4 months. Any tips to make this a better experience and avoid pitfalls.

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Well been over a week. i have been taking .25 mg clonapin morning and night. So I cut my dose in half.
starting to feel the withdrawal from dropping from .5 mg morning and night. Don't know what is going to happen if I go to my Dr. and he doesn't refill my script. The Dr's he wants me to see are and 1 1/2 hours away. None are on my plan. Thanks for your help. The worst is yet to come. Been through it before when I was younger. Big Tom 72.

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@crbarefoot @jakedduck1
I’ve been left cold turkey too many times. So afraid it will happen I panic every month.
No way to live. Been on it for 40 years, different Dr.’s different doses. I’m 65 now and I think it’s inhumane to make someone at my age get off. Whatever brain damage it may have caused is already done. I can’t go back. I voluntarily reduced my dose weaning REALLY slowly out of fear of being without.
I suggest you go as slow as as possible. For example a dose of 2-3 mg a day I would do it over a 2 year period at the very least. Seriously! It is more dangerous than getting off Heroin. Dr.’s would prefer treating a Herion addiction rather than a benzodiazepine one.
Pharma, Dr.’s, FDA, DEA really should take responsibility and if they must, be humane about the detox. crbarefoot I’ve been left cold turkey too many times. So afraid it will happen I panic every month.
No way to live. Been on it for 40 years, different Dr.’s different doses. I’m 65 now and I think it’s inhumane to make someone at my age get off. Whatever brain damage it may have caused is already done. I can’t go back. I voluntarily reduced my dose weaning REALLY slowly out of fear of being without.
I suggest you go as slow as as possible. For example a dose of 2-3 mg a day I would do it over a 2 year period at the very least. Seriously! It is more dangerous than getting off Heroin. Dr.’s would prefer treating a Herion addiction rather than a benzodiazepine one.
Pharma, Dr.’s, FDA, DEA really should take responsibility and if they must, be humane about the detox.


I tapered off 18 mg over 2+ years. No withdrawals except very minor at the end but small chips stopped those. I took it for seizures but it didn't work.
Thank you for your reply.

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@kawanhee that’s impressive! Much admiration.


@kawanhee that’s impressive! Much admiration.

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Very impressive!


@crbarefoot @jakedduck1
I’ve been left cold turkey too many times. So afraid it will happen I panic every month.
No way to live. Been on it for 40 years, different Dr.’s different doses. I’m 65 now and I think it’s inhumane to make someone at my age get off. Whatever brain damage it may have caused is already done. I can’t go back. I voluntarily reduced my dose weaning REALLY slowly out of fear of being without.
I suggest you go as slow as as possible. For example a dose of 2-3 mg a day I would do it over a 2 year period at the very least. Seriously! It is more dangerous than getting off Heroin. Dr.’s would prefer treating a Herion addiction rather than a benzodiazepine one.
Pharma, Dr.’s, FDA, DEA really should take responsibility and if they must, be humane about the detox. crbarefoot I’ve been left cold turkey too many times. So afraid it will happen I panic every month.
No way to live. Been on it for 40 years, different Dr.’s different doses. I’m 65 now and I think it’s inhumane to make someone at my age get off. Whatever brain damage it may have caused is already done. I can’t go back. I voluntarily reduced my dose weaning REALLY slowly out of fear of being without.
I suggest you go as slow as as possible. For example a dose of 2-3 mg a day I would do it over a 2 year period at the very least. Seriously! It is more dangerous than getting off Heroin. Dr.’s would prefer treating a Herion addiction rather than a benzodiazepine one.
Pharma, Dr.’s, FDA, DEA really should take responsibility and if they must, be humane about the detox.

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Thanks for your input and congratulations on your slow taper. And I am so sorry for your being left without meds. I have used clonazepam 6 months, .5 tid. I am decreasing 1 dose by 1/2 each month and hope to stop in 6 months. Fingers crossed:)


Good luck to all of you. I'm amazed when I read these posts on clonazapam and the dosage many are/were taking? I was only on .5mg once a night and it messed me up. After 7 months I stopped cold turkey. That was one year ago on March 3rd and it took a full year for my last symptom (tremors) to finally subside. The doses that many of you are taking would have killed me I'm certain, or at least put me in a wheelchair, and I'm a very healthy 66 year old guy. I'd like to strangle the doc who prescribed this to help me sleep better, what an idiot, but that's a different matter. Best of luck to all of you in your quest to get off of this crappy benzo.


I totally agree, why force a senior to go through so much stress to get off a drug, having been taking benzodiazepines for over 20 years and I take 0.5 in the morning and then 0.5 at bedtime. In Canada we have a shortage of doctors so if you have one like I do you hang onto them, especially if he’s the one who started me on these pills from hell. My doctor tried to force me into a withdrawal and no idea what he was doing, he would reduce my dosage without even talking to me. I had to fight with him and make him stop doing this to me, he would only relent if I had stress from cancer returning. I found out what it feels like being a yo-yo, the anxiety and depression would escalate and I felt like a trapped person in a abusive relationship, no one would help me and even if I were able to find another doctor they wouldn’t prescribe benzodiazepines. I try to keep myself on the same dose but since I have long covid I now have anxiety that doesn’t respond to benzodiazepines so that’s very challenging.


So sorry that on top of everything you have long covid too. That is tough. Best to you!

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