Tongue Fasciculations

Posted by pash86 @pash86, Sep 17, 2022

Hello All,
Apologies if this is the wrong thread, it's all new to me here. But would love to hear from people that may have an idea of what I'm going through.
I first had problems with tongue fasciculations about 2-3 years ago, I was told by doctors it was probably down to stress, after a while they stopped, however for the past 2 weeks they have come back with vengeance, I'm waiting for a neurology appointment but the wait time here to see them is months, I've done the worst thing possible and consulted Dr Google, and every article points to ALS, but I don't know if that's Google doing its usual and striking fear in to me or if actually that's what it is most likely to be. The fact I had it once and it went gives me some ease, but then I've read that there are different types of progression, I mean I am going through a pretty stressful time, but I don't feel stressed within myself. I have read about benign fasciculation syndrome, but the only tongue fasciculation videos I've watched that look like what I have are from people with ALS.
Well, I hope to hear from someone, thanks for reading!

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Is it normal for tongue fasciculation to be constant and all over the tongue?


Have had fasciculations in my tongue and calves mostly. Also trouble with slurred speech and swallowing issues. Had EMG test. Tested normal. I had nasal pharyngeal cancer in 2012 along with radiation & chemotherapy. So not really sure where all this is going. Obviously ALS on my mind but no weakness just issues with swallowing tongue etc. just wondering if anyone had these symptoms after having radiation treatments. Really worried about ALS with these symptoms.

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Hi, I was just wondering if you have an update? I feel similar. I am having tongue twitches I can feel and sometimes see. My calf muscles are sore and any use of other muscles make them sore the next day such as forearms. I am waiting for my neurologist app in 5 weeks and the anxiety is excruciating.


Is it normal for tongue fasciculation to be constant and all over the tongue?

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Had fasciculations all over my body, a numb gum and tingling tongue. A DMX xray showed my skull isn't sitting on my cervical spine properly, jaw doesn't open and close properly and most ligaments lax or torn connecting skull to spine. Hopefully you aren't suffering same and the fasciculations will subside over time like mine did after a year. I was tested for ALS through nerve testing when they started-negative.

Through research, I wonder if craniocervical instability is a cause but half the doctors I've seen have never heard of the condition. I'm having difficulty finding a nationwide specialist.

Good luck.


Hi, I was just wondering if you have an update? I feel similar. I am having tongue twitches I can feel and sometimes see. My calf muscles are sore and any use of other muscles make them sore the next day such as forearms. I am waiting for my neurologist app in 5 weeks and the anxiety is excruciating.

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Hello. Yes I had EMG and bloodwork which was negative for ALS. As far as swallowing problems had to have g tube installed because of aspiration. Tongue still twitching along with deviation to one side and weakness. G tube feeding has helped with aspiration and coughing. Dr told me to get on vitamin b and it has All but stopped twitching in calves and arms. Have no spasms or pain tho. Had head and neck cancer in 2011 so they think it may be radiation induced. Who knows…. Hope this helps some. It sucks not knowing what’s going on…. Let me know if you need anything else. Rob


Maybe a vitamin B12 deficiency?


My mother was diagnosed with ALS in September 2023 and is now in advanced stages so I think onset was quite a bit earlier. In myself, I started noticing twitching in my feet (mostly right but a bit on left) and the twitching is now in my calves and a little in my left shoulder blade. Alarmingly, yesterday it started in my tongue. I have experienced twitching over the years but never like this or in my tongue. I am extremely stressed dealing with my parents. I am on only child and live 9 hours away from them by plane. I have been flying to see them once a month and have jet Lahr due to the 6 hour time difference. I am 54. Really hoping this is due to fatigue but should I be worried?


The key as you know is weakness. Do you have any? Stress can make fasciculations worse. Long time twitcher here with painful Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.


I feel like maybe my right ankle is a bit weaker but I have felt like that for quite a while now. My upper back and neck feel weaker but I have neck issues with limited mobility with pain. I also have burning and numbness in left middle finger and thumb. Luckily, the twitching is a bit better today. I have reached out to our neurologist. Hoping it’s just a pinched nerve or something like that.

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