Persistent cough

Posted by jmd2231 @jmd2231, Feb 10, 2024

I had my right middle lobe removed. Now I have very little mucus and a persistent cough I cannot get rid of. I tried muscinex, cough drops, nose spray, Sudafed, in haler can’t get rid of cough

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How long ago did you have surgery? The coughing isn't unusual I'm told.


I still have a cough as well. My bilobectomy was 6 months ago. My thoracic surgeon referred me to a pulmonologist and I have an appointment at the end of March. I know how you are feeling. I think my cough might be from GERD. I have noticed a lot of acid reflux since surgery that I never had prior. I’ve tried medications however and nothing has gotten rid of the cough. Mine is more persistent after eating and drinking.


How long ago did you have surgery? The coughing isn't unusual I'm told.

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September 14 was surgery. It stinks because definitely worse at night. I guess because I am laying down, went to ENT Lear, nose & throat are fine as per specialists.


That must be irritating to have a cough that won't go away! Sometimes soothing items such as a spoonful of molasses and a spoonful of honey will calm the cough irritation down. My husband and I take these daily just because they are so good for your health. Molasses has iron in it and honey is a natural antibiotic. Plus they taste great! I hope this helps!
I'll say a prayer for you also.


I had a lobectomy of my upper left lobe and later discovered they had cut the nerve to my left vocal cord. Only through my insistence my pulmonologist referred me to a specialist who found the problem, a gap between my vocal cords. They inflated it as a temporary measure. which solved my coughing, swallowing and aspirating. Then they waited a year for it to deflate to implant a device to push the paralyzed cord into place. The doctor was a head and neck surgeon, an Otolaryngologist.


I still have a cough as well. My bilobectomy was 6 months ago. My thoracic surgeon referred me to a pulmonologist and I have an appointment at the end of March. I know how you are feeling. I think my cough might be from GERD. I have noticed a lot of acid reflux since surgery that I never had prior. I’ve tried medications however and nothing has gotten rid of the cough. Mine is more persistent after eating and drinking.

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" Mine is more persistent after eating and drinking." Read my comment below.


My husband had lower left Lobectomy end of December. 2 months later his coughing is constant now. Saw Pulmonologist today, gave him a steroid shot which was supposed to help within the hour (it didn’t) and rx for 1 week course of steroid pills (hopeful, but, shot did not work). I’m so sad and concerned for him.


I went to ENT specialist after pulmonologist just to make sure nothing they’re all good. Went back to pulmonologists said May get better with time or could have cough for life. The cough definitely changes your life quality. Hopefully it lessens with time . Good luck


I went to ENT specialist after pulmonologist just to make sure nothing they’re all good. Went back to pulmonologists said May get better with time or could have cough for life. The cough definitely changes your life quality. Hopefully it lessens with time . Good luck

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2 months post lobectomy went to pulmonologist due to cough. Stated me on course of steroids and stronger nasal spray for post nasal drip.

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