Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Hello to all,

I was at the Mall yesterday doing my routine walk to get my step quota as well as window shop and wave
To some of the merchants.. had made my run to the bank and I stopped by the Guitar Center in the mall to order something…all was going well until I stopped into the Foot Locker shoe shop…I had a pair of nice New Balance on hold and I was trying them on…I was walking back and forth when suddenly my world came crashing down in a lightning flash crash to the hard floor…I knew that something had happened but I lay on the floor stunned while two alarmed employees and 2 very nice patrons each lifted me up and sat me down…they offered to call someone and gave me a bottle of water…I felt absurd and ludicrous..a stupid careless ageing man who’s luck had just run out..both of my knees and hips are sore but I think I took the fall ok.. I was able to walk out to my car and later go the the ER…where I waited 3 hours and aside from the triage tech/nurse asking me the usual questions about suicidal thoughts, safety at home or do I feel safe at home, BP, temp, oxygen rate, after explaining why I was there, she didn’t even look or examine the knee which was now swelling and really sore..she explained they would get me back as soon as they got a bed available…I checked myself out 3 hrs later…. I guess my dragged out point here is to stress the safety issue when walking…I can’t be sure, but I believe I stepped on the excess lace of the left try on shoe with
My right try on shoe and down I crashed.. I can’t let this shake my confidence…but the look on everyone’s face registered serious concern —genuine…sweet people they were… I will pick up my feet while walking and always look for laces that are loose or excessive length hanging over the edge of the shoe…VERY dangerous….

I will ice and take it easy this weekend and visit an urgent
care facility that has an X-ray machine to get this right hip and left knee checked out…. I wish all here a safe nice weekend..🙏 pvctom


Do you sometimes feel you need a little push, a little prompt to start words or thoughts flowing onto paper [or a computer screen]? Recently, I found a site that intrigued me. I signed up and waited to see what they might be all about. After all, if it is not to my liking, there is always the "unsubscribe" key.

What I found is their prompts help me. And often, there are expanded ideas that come to mind. It may not be for everyone, but take a look and let me know what your thoughts are!
or their Facebook page:


Hello to all,

I was at the Mall yesterday doing my routine walk to get my step quota as well as window shop and wave
To some of the merchants.. had made my run to the bank and I stopped by the Guitar Center in the mall to order something…all was going well until I stopped into the Foot Locker shoe shop…I had a pair of nice New Balance on hold and I was trying them on…I was walking back and forth when suddenly my world came crashing down in a lightning flash crash to the hard floor…I knew that something had happened but I lay on the floor stunned while two alarmed employees and 2 very nice patrons each lifted me up and sat me down…they offered to call someone and gave me a bottle of water…I felt absurd and ludicrous..a stupid careless ageing man who’s luck had just run out..both of my knees and hips are sore but I think I took the fall ok.. I was able to walk out to my car and later go the the ER…where I waited 3 hours and aside from the triage tech/nurse asking me the usual questions about suicidal thoughts, safety at home or do I feel safe at home, BP, temp, oxygen rate, after explaining why I was there, she didn’t even look or examine the knee which was now swelling and really sore..she explained they would get me back as soon as they got a bed available…I checked myself out 3 hrs later…. I guess my dragged out point here is to stress the safety issue when walking…I can’t be sure, but I believe I stepped on the excess lace of the left try on shoe with
My right try on shoe and down I crashed.. I can’t let this shake my confidence…but the look on everyone’s face registered serious concern —genuine…sweet people they were… I will pick up my feet while walking and always look for laces that are loose or excessive length hanging over the edge of the shoe…VERY dangerous….

I will ice and take it easy this weekend and visit an urgent
care facility that has an X-ray machine to get this right hip and left knee checked out…. I wish all here a safe nice weekend..🙏 pvctom

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@pvctom2021 Ouch! and double ouch!

It only takes a small misstep to upend up, in so many different things, doesn't it? I hope today you are feeling better, and the icing of your knee is helping. How about sitting down and writing a letter to your body, talking to it and discovering what it was telling you as you had this upset? That might be interesting!


@pvctom2021 Ouch! and double ouch!

It only takes a small misstep to upend up, in so many different things, doesn't it? I hope today you are feeling better, and the icing of your knee is helping. How about sitting down and writing a letter to your body, talking to it and discovering what it was telling you as you had this upset? That might be interesting!

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Wow, @gingerw, I do like that idea of writing a letter to my body! I certainly have a lot I would like to say in that letter. What an ingenious idea. Thanks.


@pvctom2021 Ouch! and double ouch!

It only takes a small misstep to upend up, in so many different things, doesn't it? I hope today you are feeling better, and the icing of your knee is helping. How about sitting down and writing a letter to your body, talking to it and discovering what it was telling you as you had this upset? That might be interesting!

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Yes, a good idea..and I did check out that site.. really like the post about living
In the moment…as for my mid step —- the left knee and right hip are somewhat sore, but I am still able to walk and put full weight on both sides, including the left operated side where the THR was done, without any pain…thanks for asking…good ideas and sound advice and support come from Connect…pvctom


@pvctom2021 Ouch! and double ouch!

It only takes a small misstep to upend up, in so many different things, doesn't it? I hope today you are feeling better, and the icing of your knee is helping. How about sitting down and writing a letter to your body, talking to it and discovering what it was telling you as you had this upset? That might be interesting!

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Thanks so much 🙏


What my body was telling me on the way down was standing up and being able to walk is a blessing and not be be taken for granted…how hard it was to feel that floor hit me with the horrible flash of gravity hitting my face and hearing that sickening thud while my glasses went falling off my nose on two
Second it took from upright to flat out..then my mind came around and was saying you really have to wake up and realize that you are being very careless…I said to my body, it’s time to be kinder..we don’t need this kind of wreckless carelessness


What my body was telling me on the way down was standing up and being able to walk is a blessing and not be be taken for granted…how hard it was to feel that floor hit me with the horrible flash of gravity hitting my face and hearing that sickening thud while my glasses went falling off my nose on two
Second it took from upright to flat out..then my mind came around and was saying you really have to wake up and realize that you are being very careless…I said to my body, it’s time to be kinder..we don’t need this kind of wreckless carelessness

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I know for me, I take so much of my body movements for granted. And when I do that I tend to forget that I also have a responsibility to be careful. So sometimes all of the sudden, we get pulled up short when our body or mind says, "hey don't forget me!" Everyday when I do routine movements setting up for dialysis, I have to remind myself to be present in the moment and not accidentally skip something. That has happened! And then all of the sudden my mind is going, "didn't you forget to do this or that?" And I have to come back directly to where I am at physically and mentally, to not cause any delays or problems. Being present takes a lot of work! Yep, I bet there's many who can relate to that.


I know for me, I take so much of my body movements for granted. And when I do that I tend to forget that I also have a responsibility to be careful. So sometimes all of the sudden, we get pulled up short when our body or mind says, "hey don't forget me!" Everyday when I do routine movements setting up for dialysis, I have to remind myself to be present in the moment and not accidentally skip something. That has happened! And then all of the sudden my mind is going, "didn't you forget to do this or that?" And I have to come back directly to where I am at physically and mentally, to not cause any delays or problems. Being present takes a lot of work! Yep, I bet there's many who can relate to that.

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Great example of the importance of mindfulness, especially as we encounter health problems that affect us both physically as well as cognitively. Health issues as well as medications can result in forgetfulness, and this tends to compound our ability to function well.


Hello to all,

Well, the weekend is over and again Monday is rolling along…I finally was seen at the Mary Washington ER annex nearby and they were wonderful.. I was taken care of and the techs and nurses were very nice and cheerful..the ER doctor examined both of my legs, feet, knees lower back neck face shoulders and hips…she performed the routine physical exercise testa and concluded their were no fractures and did not feel imaging was necessary..that my symptoms were soft tissue related..but I have a slight swelling on the left knee, diagnosis contusion - and a sprain of right hip.. left side where THR was done and which I explained to her apparently was not damaged..they had all my records and surgeries done there on the MyChart.. I am very stiff and sore but able to ambulate without any pain..when I walk the soreness seems to subside…I’m to follow up with PCM and my orthopedic doctor surgeon for a visit…and return to ER if pain develops or soreness gets worse…

Meanwhile I’ve got to start a few area spot applications with flourouracil 5% over top area of eyebrow and top and sides of face…but not on this tiny lobe on my left forehead…I’m going to try for my walk at the mall today , slowly, carefully and deliberate..I want to shake this unsure feeling I have and just be careful…wish all here a good day and night 🙏 pvctom

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