Stage 1 Tongue cancer: What are the chances of recurrence?

Posted by vandanar @vandanar, Feb 12, 2023

What are the chances of stage 1 oral squamous cell carcinoma in the tongue recurring after the tumor is completely removed

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Please tell me the answers to this I’m so scared


Please can you help me I live in Australia. I’ve just been diagnosed with stage one cancer in the left-hand side of my tongue. I’m worried about the treatment here in Australia. I haven’t been given any options yet. I have no symptoms except for a lump in the left side of my neck. Thanks 🙏

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Welcome, @naomiaustralia. I'd like to introduce you to @alpaca. She lives in New Zealand and may be able to give more insight about care options in Australia. As you research more about your cancer, you might find the Cancer Council info useful

Hearing that you have cancer sends one reeling. @cheyenne @nnurse @hrhwilliam and @sepdvm know this first hand.

Like you @rkaspet asked about treatment options in this related discussion:
- Tongue Cancer: What are my treatment options?

Naomi, has treatment been discussed with you since you last posted? How are you doing?


Please can you help me I live in Australia. I’ve just been diagnosed with stage one cancer in the left-hand side of my tongue. I’m worried about the treatment here in Australia. I haven’t been given any options yet. I have no symptoms except for a lump in the left side of my neck. Thanks 🙏

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I had a large tumor on the base of my tongue between my tonsils and my voice box. I went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota but originally I was diagnosed with a biopsy in Las Vegas and then proceeded to go to the mayo clinic in Minnesota. The doctors and surgeons decided to do proton radiation And cisplatin chemo treatment. I went out there in Nov 2022. I went to seven weeks of proton radiation 35 sessions 4 treatments in each session. they treated two lymph nodes and both sides of my tongue through my neck. It took some getting used to, but it was the best decision I ever made. I have been cancer free since I would strongly suggest you consider going to the mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Another good places is Sloan Kettering in New York City but I think Rochester Minnesota is a better place to go to less hustle and bustle If you’d like the correspond with me, feel free to get back to me. I will tell you everything I did to get through all of this.


I had a large tumor on the base of my tongue between my tonsils and my voice box. I went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota but originally I was diagnosed with a biopsy in Las Vegas and then proceeded to go to the mayo clinic in Minnesota. The doctors and surgeons decided to do proton radiation And cisplatin chemo treatment. I went out there in Nov 2022. I went to seven weeks of proton radiation 35 sessions 4 treatments in each session. they treated two lymph nodes and both sides of my tongue through my neck. It took some getting used to, but it was the best decision I ever made. I have been cancer free since I would strongly suggest you consider going to the mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Another good places is Sloan Kettering in New York City but I think Rochester Minnesota is a better place to go to less hustle and bustle If you’d like the correspond with me, feel free to get back to me. I will tell you everything I did to get through all of this.

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Hey Thankyou so very much this gives me hope !
I’m quite scared
Did you loose your hair ?? And voice can you taste ? And talk ok now ?? Naomi


I had a large tumor on the base of my tongue between my tonsils and my voice box. I went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota but originally I was diagnosed with a biopsy in Las Vegas and then proceeded to go to the mayo clinic in Minnesota. The doctors and surgeons decided to do proton radiation And cisplatin chemo treatment. I went out there in Nov 2022. I went to seven weeks of proton radiation 35 sessions 4 treatments in each session. they treated two lymph nodes and both sides of my tongue through my neck. It took some getting used to, but it was the best decision I ever made. I have been cancer free since I would strongly suggest you consider going to the mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Another good places is Sloan Kettering in New York City but I think Rochester Minnesota is a better place to go to less hustle and bustle If you’d like the correspond with me, feel free to get back to me. I will tell you everything I did to get through all of this.

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I live in Sydney Australia not in USA ?


I lost my taste buds for approximately 11 months but I gained them back in percentages. I have about 80% of my taste buds back as far as my hair is concerned it thinned a bit but it has come back , my voice was a little scratchy for a little while but I’m fine now I do have some dryness to this day in my mouth. When I wake up, you will learn to adapt. I had a hard time swallowing and tasting stuff first five months. I drank the flavored chocolate drink boost that got me through the first couple of months, but it was well worth it. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me I’m here to help anyway, I can if you’d like to call me, I will give you my phone number, my name is Robert. Please hang in there. It will be fine.


I live in Sydney Australia not in USA ?

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Well, look into if they have a program in Australia that offers robotic surgery or the proton machine


Hello @naomiaustralia, We totally understand how terrifying a cancer diagnosis is. I can't emphasize enough how important it is for you to gain as much information and understanding of your condition as possible. That can be scary using the internet, but the more you know, the more you can participate in the decision making for your treatment. Second opinions and referrals are also valuable. The newest and most effective treatments will be found at the larger referral and cancer centers, and might require travel to reach them. Here in the USA we drive 10 hours to receive care at the Mayo Clinic and I believe they have prolonged my life beyond what local doctors could have. I have a rare location of head and neck cancer that has metastasized but so far this 12 year journey has been successful. There are new drugs and immunotherapies being approved for head and neck cancer as well as tried and true methods that been proven to help. Educate yourself and advocate for your own medical care. Be strong and maintain a positive attitude as best you can. Do you have anything further scheduled at this time?


Hey Thankyou so very much this gives me hope !
I’m quite scared
Did you loose your hair ?? And voice can you taste ? And talk ok now ?? Naomi

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Hey Naomi,
I’m over 7 years out from stage IV throat cancer treatments!

I had 35 heavy radiation and 3 rounds Cisplatin.

Cisplatin doesn’t tend to cause hair loss but the radiation did cause loss to the back of my head though it came back it is thinner now.

As far as taste; I did loose my taste but most things came back after a year or so except for chocolate, chocolate still doesn’t taste right.

I was on a feeding tube for nearly a year because I was unable to swallow.
Swallowing food and sometimes liquid are still difficult and sometimes dangerous!

If they caught yours in stage I you should have a great survival rate!


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