Peripheral Neuropathy Foundation

Posted by jenatsky @jenatsky, Feb 29, 2024

I just listened to. Webinar from this organization on PN prevention and learned a great deal about my illness of many years. This webinar and others are available for free on their web site For both chronic and new sufferers I encourage you to learn and there is much resource information available too.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

Thanks @jenatsky, I also listened to the webinar on PN prevention and thought it was really helpful. I thought I would share the website page that links to the past webinars and you can also sign up for their newsletter and get notifications for upcoming webinars -

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy also has a YouTube channel with all the past webinars and other helpful neuropathy related videos. The PN prevention webinar will put on the YouTube channel but I'm not sure how soon -,


I had signed up to listen to the Webinar today, then I totally forgot about it and missed it. I am SO GLAD that you have mentioned it, and I thank you, John, for giving links to past webinars as well as to the youtube page that I was not aware of. I'm sure there is a wealth of knowledge there that may answer some of my questions!!
Best wishes! Mike


The webinar from today had not yet been posted when I looked earlier today. I also saw a few other webinars that had previously been aired on PN too. There was a tremendous amount of material available. Enjoy


The webinar from today had not yet been posted when I looked earlier today. I also saw a few other webinars that had previously been aired on PN too. There was a tremendous amount of material available. Enjoy

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The PN prevention webinar is now on the FPN YouTube channel


I think this next Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy webinar will be one that most of us with balance problems will not want to miss so I'm tagging @domiha @jenatsky @ray666 @artscaping @oliver4 @njed @seidholz and anyone with neuropathy who is having balance problems.

FPN Webinar: Alternative therapies that enhance balance
Wed, Mar 20, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to welcome LeeAnn Manoni, DC, who will present on alternative therapies that enhance balance. During this webinar, Dr. Manoni will speak about therapies that can improve communication from the brain to the body to enhance balance. She will also discuss possible home therapies that can impact your balance and what should you invest your time in daily. This program will also touch on what supplements or food can impact neuropathy. A live Q&A will follow to conclude.


@johnbishop John - The link on prevention of PN was excellent and thanks for bringing it on board for all of us to view. Very interesting topics and well worth viewing. Ed


@johnbishop John - The link on prevention of PN was excellent and thanks for bringing it on board for all of us to view. Very interesting topics and well worth viewing. Ed

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They really do have some good webinars. I also found it interesting and learned a little, just have to see if I can retain what I learned 🙃


You can always re-review the videos again too refresh your memory. As you are aware we older folks don’t recall some memories like we used to.


You can always re-review the videos again too refresh your memory. As you are aware we older folks don’t recall some memories like we used to.

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Some? You are right and I'll listen to it again. Next time, I'll have a tablet and pen to write down a few points. Can't rely on the good "old" memory I once had! John is right, they have some interesting webinars, seen several.

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