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I would like to know if 66 episodes per hour is really bad. Last night I turned up the humidity to 5. Would that cause more problems? What would happen if I just stopped? I am getting really frustrated 😠

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Replies to "I would like to know if 66 episodes per hour is really bad. Last night I..."

Sometimes I sleep for 6 hours without waking so I assume I'm in a position that doesn't contribute to the sleep apnea. Some nights I wake after 3 hours of sleep and I assume then that my airway was obstructed some what and my body woke me up. I've never woke gasping for air though. Sometimes I wear my cpap for 4 hours before I go to sleep. I think if someone can sleep 5 or 6 hours without waking, that is good. I know I get deep sleep because I dream and you can only dream in REM sleep. What is the frustration from?

Any count in AHI greater than 30 is 'severe'. Your count, if it can be accepted as veridical (verifiably true), is exceedingly high. You need to consult a respirologist or an RT and have them look at a printout of your machine's 'back story' about the past two or three weeks.

You may be chin-tucking, often a result of sleeping on your back. It wouldn't be more than a few dollars to purchase a soft foam cervical collar, widely available, and try one around your neck at night. If your AHI drops markedly, you'll know that the collar is preventing you from closing off your airway that way.