Anyone infected before January 20 2020 ?

Posted by earlylonghauler @earlylonghauler, Jul 17, 2023

Anyone think they got Covid in the US before the first official CDC date of 1/20/2020 ? Red Cross blood testing proves it was in the US by December 2019. My symptoms started early January 2020, and I have had a hard time getting help because doctors, family, and friends find it hard to believe I was infected before 1/20/20. Anyone else ?

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I got sick with COVID on Oct 3rd, 2019. I was so sick I thought I was dying. The doctor's had no clue. They diagnosed me with every respiratory disease they could think of. I was so fed up that I started researched unknown diseases. I now have permanent damage to my lungs. Everyday is a struggle. The doctor's still don't really seem to know much more than they did back then. I feel pretty hopeless.

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My wife got sick in November of 2019 and she thought she was dying. Could barely get out of bed, fever, everything but a cough. The doctors had no idea what it was. She said her legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each. We think now she must have had covid earlier than the January 20, 2020 date where apparently the first case was confirmed in the US.


My wife got sick in November of 2019 and she thought she was dying. Could barely get out of bed, fever, everything but a cough. The doctors had no idea what it was. She said her legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each. We think now she must have had covid earlier than the January 20, 2020 date where apparently the first case was confirmed in the US.

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A family member was very sick in December of 2019. In retrospect, I think they had COVID.


Covid was absolutely here in 2019. CDC etc didn't not make public aware. I first became il in Fall of 2019 with chest and sternum pain, along with nerve pain. Now I have over 35 unbearable symptoms and dying. I'm down to 83 lbs, 68 yrs old and my PCP could care less. I have nowhere to turn and so scared and alone.

My head feels like it's going to EXPLODE. I have terrible pressure and unbearable ear pain and ringing now.

When I got Covid an tested positive in Nov '21 (I'm sure I had it prior) my careless PCP wouldn't help at all or prescribe any meds. I begged for Rx and monoclonal antibodies and it wouldn't do it and said, "good luck in finding it, it's in short supply"


I got COVID in December 2019/January 2020. I had mild case but others I work with had more severe cases. Most of my coworkers are fine now. Two coworkers were considered permanently disabled around the time we shut down in March of 2020 to work remotely. My Long COVID started causing me issues to the point I was hospitalized in July of 2020. There were no tests at the time or even awareness of Long COVID. I work at a University and we have students from all over the world. It took over 3 years for me to finally get a diagnosis of Long COVID. I am with the Long COVID program at Johns Hopkins. You have to be referred. Luckily one of my many, many doctors did so. My PCP thought all of this was in my head. At this point in time I no longer refer to myself as sick but as disabled. I was told that Long COVID turns on the bad genes in your body. I have many incurable issues now; POTS, Neuropathy, CRPS - Extreme form of Neuropathy, gastroparesis, and several autoimmune disorders. My latest autoimmune disorder caused my face and neck to swell and my teeth to fall out. I have had two oral surgeries. The second one I had yesterday. I am in such agonizing pain and have not slept. Any time I get sick or apparently have any type of surgery, it sends all my symptoms into overdrive. I am pretty sure I now have CRPS in my face and mouth. While oral surgery hurts, this is unreasonable pain with Hydrocodone and the nerve medicine I take ( gabapentin and cymbalta) doing nothing to alleviate it. I am going to try CBD when a friend brings it to me later today. I am aware of my issues now, I have things I can do to mitigate my issues such as wearing an abdominal binder so I rarely pass out from POTS anymore. I do not push myself as I did in the beginning. I no longer compare myself to who I used to be. I had horrible anxiety and can not take medication for that as it would interact with the Gabapentin and Cymbalta so I am managing to keep myself calm most of the time. I feel like a very selfish person as I can't do much of anything anymore and I stick to my limits of how much activity I can handle so I can avoid being bedridden or hospitalized as much as possible. I have found things to do to make me happy. I am researching my family history. Reading more books when my brain fog is under control. Luckily I can still work from home. I feel very nervous, depressed and sore right now as I have missed a lot of work since the beginning of the year due to this newer issue. I am terrified of getting to a point I can't work as I am single and the amount of Social Security I would get for disability would not be nearly enough for me to live on. It is less than half my monthly income. I am sorry, I need to whine and vent today. I wish us all as much relief and happiness that we can find. COVID-19 was definitely in the US in fall of 2019.


My wife got sick in November of 2019 and she thought she was dying. Could barely get out of bed, fever, everything but a cough. The doctors had no idea what it was. She said her legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each. We think now she must have had covid earlier than the January 20, 2020 date where apparently the first case was confirmed in the US.

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I had covid covid in Dec 2019... long covid ever since. Got the vaccine in May 2021 and have had the tremors/vibration 24/7 since August of 2021, along with the exhaustion, insomnia and other issues. Only in the last 6 months have I gotten positive feedback from my new Dr. regarding my concerns. I'm sorry you're having problems as well... I felt like I was alone and lost for a long time. I manage by taking things one day at a time, and resting a lot.


My daughter and I both had it the last week of Dec. 2019 through the first and second week of Jan. 2020. We didn’t know it then of course, but the next time we went to the doctor I said “Can you make a note that the last time we were in here we apparently had covid.” She looked back at the notes from that visit and she said yeah, it looks like that is exactly what you had, and you were probably our first case of it. My sense of smell, taste and hearing are still not right. Fatigue is horrible, and I have memory/cognitive issues. I have always been sharp as a tack, so this really bothers me.


My daughter and I both had it the last week of Dec. 2019 through the first and second week of Jan. 2020. We didn’t know it then of course, but the next time we went to the doctor I said “Can you make a note that the last time we were in here we apparently had covid.” She looked back at the notes from that visit and she said yeah, it looks like that is exactly what you had, and you were probably our first case of it. My sense of smell, taste and hearing are still not right. Fatigue is horrible, and I have memory/cognitive issues. I have always been sharp as a tack, so this really bothers me.

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Yes. My doctor knew about this “thing” that was coming. And my cousin who never emigrated from Ireland was already sending reports from across the sea about it. My Gp was on top of it then and said I had this covid thing and treated me with steroids and antibiotics. He told me to drink lots of water and rest. He was ahead of everything and there were no tests for it yet and we hadn’t yet locked down. So then months later they were telling everyone to get the jab so you don’t get it which confused me that everyone was supposed to take it even if you had already had it. And people were told they had to take it or lose their jobs and some did. But if you already had it, why would you inoculate for it? That’s never been told to us before because if you get a sickness then you have antibodies and you’re protected right? I still have no idea what is going on and it’s 4 years later and this thing is still making its way around my body attacking lungs (seems like that’s better now for the most part), then GI and now my heart suddenly increasing its speed or intensity for no apparent reason at all and not related to anxiety but it certainly could cause one anxiety! Heavens! I have terrible PEM symptoms right now and frequent crashes from simple exertion. I feel like I’m deteriorating but remaining hopeful. I’ve tried both conventional as well as integrative medicines and this beast does seem to have a mind of its own. But I have a question to the medical establishment about what is being done to understand and provide real help? I feel like we are sliced into pieces with symptoms management but no real consensus as to what’s happening or how to fix it. There’s so much infighting among doctors about who is right and my experience is that one doctor bad mouths the last one I’ve seen and it’s a cluster of egos and it’s not helping anyone. The infighting has to cease and there has to be emphasis on restoring trust in the medical establishment and patient/ doctor relationships


I got it in December of 2019 and nobody knew what it was. I was sick for 8 weeks and couldn't walk from the car to a front door without serious fatigue. I had all the Covid symptoms (I've had it three times since 2019 despite vaxes and boosters). It was most def Covid. I got it again in Sept of 2021 and then again in July of 2023. I now have long covid and was diagnosed in December with CAEBV (Chronic Active Epstein Barr Virus), which they now believe Covid reactivates. I have 4000 other things as a result of having had Covid three times and Epstein Barr off and on since childhood. My daughter has long covid and is not doing well. They've just taken her in at the Long Covid Clinic at UNC CH hospital. Fingers crossed!


In early January 2020 I got sick. I have never been more sick in my life. I had a fever over 102 for more than a week.

Everyone says it couldn’t have been COVID, but I believe it was!


I agree that Covid was in the U.S. before anyone knew of it, After being extremely exhausted for two weeks without other symptoms, in Feb., 2019 N.P. diagnosed walking pneumonia in both lungs. Pneumonia cleared with antibiotic, but severe exhaustion and other Long Covid symptoms developed such as diminished sense of taste, ringing in ears, and all symptoms remain. Need to be vaccinated yearly since a rare incurable blood cancer has its own side effects and immunity is compromised. Fortunately, can tolerate vaccines, Both issues cause never-ending fatigue with MANY similar side effects. Life will never be the same. I am with everyone in spirit and connecting with all of you is life-altering…THANK YOU ❣️

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