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I was taking Hydrea 500 mg on MWF since August. I have had no side effects that got my attention. Within the last month I noticed a change in my vision. I had an appointment with my eye dr that was coming up so I waited for that which was this past Tuesday. They put the yellow drops in my eyes to take pictures since I have macular in one eye and also 1 drop to dilate my eyes. When the dr came in I was looking at the images (like I knew what I was looking at ). He looked at them and said, "Lets look at your eyes then we will talk". He said the yellow drops were immediately soaked into my right eye. I immediately got concerned. He said at first he thought it was my retina but it was not, My cornea was swollen, He asked had I changed meds since my last visit (I have to go every 6 months). I told him yes and he asked what it was. He said is your skin dry? I said yes I would love to soak in a barrel of lotion for a day. He then asked if I had any sores in my mouth? I said yes. He said the medicine is causing your cornea to swell. He gave me steroid eye drops to get the swelling down.

That afternoon I called my hematologist. He said I was having an allergic reaction. I asked why did it just start that I had not had any problems. He said it just built up in my system. He took me off of the Hydrea and replaced it with Anagrelide 1 mg twice a day.

I went to pick it up yesterday but pharmacy had to order it. I should get it today. IDK what that will do after a period of time. My question is the Hydrea was 500 MG 3 times a week which equals to 1500 MG. The new medicine is 1 MG twice a day which equals to 14 MG. Don't make much sense to me

Praying you do well

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Replies to "I was taking Hydrea 500 mg on MWF since August. I have had no side effects..."

I have been on 500 mg Hydroxyurea since June 2022. Because of side effects like headaches, diarrhea, lightheaded, etc. I have had time off, and then taking at different timelines. Platelets have been staying around 550 but my hematologist would like me to get below 400.
My timelines have been daily, month off, every other day, three days a week, and the last four days a week. Headaches suddenly became too much so I am stopping for a month, Then I will try Anagrelide at the lowest dose twice daily. Not sure yet what the lowest dose will be as waiting to get it, If Anagrelide does not work for me the next step will be Pegasys.
Best wishes, Eileen

Different medicine mg strengths do not need to be the same for their effectiveness. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.