Is there any long term side effects from stopping venlafaxine?

Posted by uzername @uzername, Sep 2, 2023

I was treated with venlafaxine XR for 16 years for depression at various doses. I did a very slow taper over 3 months in 2016 to avoid acute withdrawal symptoms and did fine. Since that point in time I have had progressively worse symptoms of hot spells and sweating. I am on therapeutic doses of estrogen so this is not menopausal symptoms. I tried restarting a variety of SSRI and SNRI but it made the sweating worse. Has anybody had any long term permanent problems after stopping venlafaxine, ( Effexor)?

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I am sorry that you are experiencing this. I feel like I am in the same boat. I have posted on here before that I withdrew from Venlafaxine/Effexor mid-summer; two months after my last pill, an avalanche of negative feelings hit me in one day. I stuck it out as long as I could, and went back to 37.5 mg per day in early November. I felt so much better for a time. For more than fifteen years, I was on 75 mg. I think my brain has just figured out that it's not going to get the full dosage again, and I'm feeling anxiety and irrational fears, along with shakiness and higher heart rates and waking at 2 a.m. and being unable to go back to sleep. I took Tylenol PM last night and slept until 5, which is great. But the anxiety is still with me. I have a therapy appointment this morning so that I can complain to my counselor and spare my friends and family. It is difficult; I feel like I am just going through the motions when I prepare a meal, etc. I need to be grateful that I can do that. I feel best when I can do something for someone else, so I am trying to do more of that. I have a half-hour exercise class this morning, too. I am doing the deep breathing once again, as recommended on "Therapy in a Nutshell" (on YouTube). I carry with me an article from Psychology Today entitled "How to Stop Worrying About Things You Can't Change" by Amy Morin. It is helpful to review--if only I could accomplish all of the suggestions! My husband reminds me to "Pray, hope, and don't worry." I want it to be that simple!
You say the drug is "supposedly out" of your system. I think you are the person who recommended the book "Brain Energy"? I tried to get through it (the author did good summaries for laypersons), and I think the message is that it's going to take time for the effects of the drug to diminish, even without the drug. (Please, someone correct me if I am wrong.)
I plan to discontinue this medication (my third attempt) when I am ready--but that is something that must begin from a position of strength, and I am obviously not yet stabilized at 37.5 mg. It will take me 2-3 years to withdraw from this nightmare of a drug; I'll be in my seventies before I am rid of it--but I am determined to get there.
Look up Dr. Mark Horowitz's Outro dot com website; perhaps you will find some useful and encouraging information there. He offers a clinic in Canada for persons wanting to discontinue antidepressants, and hopes to be in the US someday. There is a link on that website for free information on withdrawal. Surviving antidepressants dot org is another worthwhile website, as is medicating normal dot com.
Good luck, and all my best to you. You are not alone on this journey.


I just want you to know I understand how you feel, I too am having moments like this.
Big hugs..


If I can, so far, have no side effects of 2.5-4 years of titration from 150 mg. venlafaxine prescribed over 30 years, you can too! Meditation, affirmative prayer, 3-4 gym days with cardio boxing, 30+ years of Al-Anon meetings, & Journaling of negative feelings have been my tools for titration, throughout the pandemic & beyond
...I also thank my Creator for the illnesses & life obstacles put in my path. They have all helped me grow up & take responsibility for my life! So, enjoy what you can every day. Hugs,


I've been off Venlafaxine for almost 6 years, and I'm still having all of these problems. My sleep is so horrible, I cry at EVERYTHING, and my thoughts are constantly racing. I thought it was just my anxiety, but everything has only been worse since being on this medication. I've read in so many other groups of people having these horrible symptoms years after tapering off the drug. I refuse to go back on it, there has to be something else doctors can do.


I've been off Venlafaxine for almost 6 years, and I'm still having all of these problems. My sleep is so horrible, I cry at EVERYTHING, and my thoughts are constantly racing. I thought it was just my anxiety, but everything has only been worse since being on this medication. I've read in so many other groups of people having these horrible symptoms years after tapering off the drug. I refuse to go back on it, there has to be something else doctors can do.

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First of all, I am sorry that you are suffering so, you do not deserve that. I too have a tendency to cry too easily, I wish I could tell my spouse a sad story I heard on NPR with out tearing up. What I liked about venlafaxine is that I would not cry but it was too the point where I could not cry at all, I felt emotionally numb. I wish I could take a low dose of it or an SSRI at a low dose to help with anxiety and crying but this heat intolerance makes those types of medication intolerable. I am finally going to be seen by a neurologist for whatever is causing my body to run hot. It is not menopause or thyroid problems but I wonder if it is due to long term venlafxine use.


First of all, I am sorry that you are suffering so, you do not deserve that. I too have a tendency to cry too easily, I wish I could tell my spouse a sad story I heard on NPR with out tearing up. What I liked about venlafaxine is that I would not cry but it was too the point where I could not cry at all, I felt emotionally numb. I wish I could take a low dose of it or an SSRI at a low dose to help with anxiety and crying but this heat intolerance makes those types of medication intolerable. I am finally going to be seen by a neurologist for whatever is causing my body to run hot. It is not menopause or thyroid problems but I wonder if it is due to long term venlafxine use.

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Ironic, since I was prescribed venlafaxine for hot flashes, that one of the more common side effects is sweating. I don't understand this at all.


First of all, I am sorry that you are suffering so, you do not deserve that. I too have a tendency to cry too easily, I wish I could tell my spouse a sad story I heard on NPR with out tearing up. What I liked about venlafaxine is that I would not cry but it was too the point where I could not cry at all, I felt emotionally numb. I wish I could take a low dose of it or an SSRI at a low dose to help with anxiety and crying but this heat intolerance makes those types of medication intolerable. I am finally going to be seen by a neurologist for whatever is causing my body to run hot. It is not menopause or thyroid problems but I wonder if it is due to long term venlafxine use.

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Hello! Since being on Effexor, my body is always hot. My skin can be freezing, but my body is internally on fire. I have read that Effexor causes problems with the hypothalamus which controls our body temperature. The MDs who pass out Effexor with no knowledge or understanding of the devastating, associated side effects should be required to take the medication before subjecting a patient to the horrors associated with this poison.

I apologize for my negativity, but I firmly believe Effexor and Seroquel have ruined the last 20 years of my life. I wish the psychiatrist would have talked to me instead of saying “Take this pill. You’ll feel better. It’s what I would give my sister if she was depressed.” I trusted her with my life. What a huge mistake.
Good luck with your body temperature. I’m no doctor, but I’m confident it’s the Effexor.❤️


Thought I should up date my experience. It's been about a month since my last venlafaxine pill. The insomnia kicked in pretty much right away. I sleep in two hour blocks, wake up and go back to sleep for another two hours.

The sleep disturbances started shortly after being put on venlafaxine fifteen years ago. Doctor said as long as you are getting eight hours total you’ll be fine. Well that didn't work out so well.

I had hoped that when the venlafaxine was no longer in my system my sleep would improve. No such luck it has gotten worse. Sleep disturbances come with the medication and stick around even when it is supposedly out of my system.

I've been so sleep deprived that I've not been able to process my grief and I end up crying hysterically at the drop of a hat. Something had to give.

I agreed to go back on 100mg I seroquel to help me sleep. I hate the side-effects of this drug but I hated the idea of going back on venlafaxine even more.

Two nights of sleep and I'm okay. I still have racing thoughts and incredible grief but I am able to function. I am hopeful that by getting my sleep evened out I will be able to meet the remaining challenges more effectively.

I hope we all find the peace we deserve.

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My goodness. You have been through the wringer and still hanging in there. My situation is not as tough as yours probably but my help has came from faith in God, and yes He uses everyday people to help, encourage, inspire and to pray. I’d just like to say with God all things are possible and one of my favorite Bible verses, Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Keep looking up, hang in there. You can win this battle.


I've been off Venlafaxine for almost 6 years, and I'm still having all of these problems. My sleep is so horrible, I cry at EVERYTHING, and my thoughts are constantly racing. I thought it was just my anxiety, but everything has only been worse since being on this medication. I've read in so many other groups of people having these horrible symptoms years after tapering off the drug. I refuse to go back on it, there has to be something else doctors can do.

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God does use doctors for sure. I’ve got some great ones helping me navigate multiple health issues right now. I’d just like to add, that Psalm 121 basically says to “ look up”. I’d encourage you to read that and Philippians chapter 4. Your faith can help you to win this terrible battle your in. Prayers


My goodness. You have been through the wringer and still hanging in there. My situation is not as tough as yours probably but my help has came from faith in God, and yes He uses everyday people to help, encourage, inspire and to pray. I’d just like to say with God all things are possible and one of my favorite Bible verses, Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Keep looking up, hang in there. You can win this battle.

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Thank you for your support.

May you live in peace and good health.

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