Chronic Abdominal Pain | Normal Test Results

Posted by amandaleigh @amandaleigh, Oct 5, 2022

Hello—My partner has been experiencing lower right abdominal pain since 2017 with no relief. He says it is more or less noticeable throughout any given day, but no single, specific cause can be pinpointed that impacts it (i.e. the pain doesn’t worsen after eating, or when eating specific food.) He describes the pain as if a ball was inside, and there is something that he wants to “rip out.” Laying on the opposite side sometimes provides some relief and he tends to feel it more at night when laying down.

We’ve had CT, ultrasound, Colonoscopy, SIBO “breath test,” full blood work up and everything has returned normal/unremarkable results. He was referred to a pelvic floor PT, but has not had any relief. We’re at a complete loss about where to go to next. I’m hoping someone has experienced something similar to provide us with suggestions. We don’t know what other specialist to see, or tests to be done. I’m afraid there is something genetic or a rare illness that is being overlooked.

Sincerely appreciate any insight and/or support folks are able to provide.

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That MD's diagnosis of your mental state was totally unnecessary and guess the doc was covering for not knowing how to treat your condition. I have lost faith in so-called pain management specialist. No matter where I sought out treatment, the process was the same. A couple of spinal shots, a prescription of gabapentin and advice to call the doctor in 2 week. Well after several of these 2 week hiatus from the doctor, I still had pain and it appears to be worsening. Pretty much running out options.

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I have learned a few things that get me through the day. My Vagus Nerve was damaged in the process. Look it up, the funny thing is it controls everything that you do daily, from blinking your eyes to pain! A Neurologist suggested I do exercises to stimulate the Vagus Nerve. Cold Plunges will activate it, but not for long once it has been damaged. You have to be constant in trying to find ways to activate it. Needless to say, I have tried everything. I have researched lots of possible remedies and found that so many of the symptoms are mimicking a lot of different possible conditions. I know when mine started, but my EX Primary Care labeled me on day one after my Surgery on my eye. He did admit the Concussion might have damaged my Vagus Nerve, but instead he put me
on Ativan, the worst thing he could have done, following a Concussion. I took myself off that poison. He did not like me asking questions and we got off to a rocky start. Well, it followed me if I went to the ER in pain, they literally wrote me off. I am sure they read his notes and it was immediately noticeable. I did not give up, I saw Doctor after Doctor, made my own way and that is difficult when it comes to referrals. I have a new Primary Care Doctor, she is listening and trying to help me in any way she can. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to find someone, to at least try to get to the root cause. There are a lot of Docs out there, that promise you help and in the end, you are just another number. I too have been
to numerous pain managements and the last one told me to put a Lidocaine patch on it and she would see me in 8 weeks. Such a frustrated scenario! No one seems to care anymore.
Unless this is happening to them or a member of their family, your pain is just another condition for a Lidocaine Patch. Our Health Care system sucks and I say that literally. I do believe there is a plan to " not" treat chronic pain They don't have the time nor the resources; because mega healthcare systems are dictating what they can and cannot due according to your age. A Spine Stimulator might help me, but according to Insurance( another pothole in Healthcare), I have to be evaluated and approved.( You should ask about a Stimulator for your current pain, might be the answer for you.) I guess the Lidocaine patch will be my Stimulator. I know I have some curvature of the spine, herniated thoracic disc, lower lumbar
osteoarthritis, spurs, sciatic pain and recently had hip replacement with one leg an inch shorter than the other. To tell you the truth, I will never give up. I am going to find out what is wrong, even if it kills me! There is an answer and I know it will be a simple one, because if it were Cancer or some debilitating disease I would be dead by now. I hurt on the right side and it is always there. Stay away from pain meds, they will destroy your Brain and
that will be the end of you. Hang in there! Maybe our future pain Management will be
"AI" ,at least it is not biased in any way shape form or fashion. I have tried everything, but not giving up and neither should you! You are your best Advocate, because you are the one in pain and only you are living it! Take care.


P.S. Try a Genetic Testing. I even did that and found I do have an enzyme missing that metabolizes certain
things resulting to Liver inefficiency. No one has further investigated it, so who knows. I do know I can't metabolize certain medications and it could be part of the problem. Gastro's write that one off as well. Tired of
all of this, but I try to make the best of my Life when I have a decent 4 to 6 hours. Hard to focus when you hurt
constantly, not to mention chronic Constipation and Nausea, to boot. Not a good situation to live in! I have many symptoms
along with lots of Gastric issues. I can relate to the knot in your right side, up every night of my life walking
the floor holding my side. Praying the same prayer each and every night. It helps me to vent and talk about it, but no one wants to listen! I understand your pain and frustration.

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