Polycythemia & Bone marrow Disorders screening

Posted by mahmoudbakry @mahmoudbakry, Feb 24, 2024

‏hello everyone good morning And it’s great to talk to you.At the beginning of 2022, I began to feel terrible pain in my stomach. I went to an internist, and he made me underwent cbc test, which showed that hemoglobin was 20. He ordered me to see a hematologist, who in turn for 2 years made me underwent a lot of exams for the heart, then the kidneys, then the liver, and hepatitis viruses which all came back normal .And the lung,he also asked me to donate blood more than 12 times in 2 years and he gave me a lot of time after every blood donation to follow up the hemoglobin.and he made me underwent these tests:
‏JAK2 V617F & JAK2 Exon 12 which came back Not detected
BCR ABL not detected also
MPL & Calr Mutations Not detected also
‏the problem is that he told me that I must undergo a bone marrow aspiration & biopsy to make sure that there’s no disorder in the bone marrow because there is no secondary cause for high hemoglobin, and that hemoglobin always goes up after a while from the blood donation and the spleen is moderately enlarged, and that I am not Smoker.
I am terrified of undergoing a bone marrow aspiration biopsy,What should I do?

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In reply to @wozsgal "Yes, it is." + (show)

Yes, it is.

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Me too it’s my first time,
We got this my friend And as it is said “if your path demands you to walk through hell ,walk as if you own the place “.so why did your dr asked for the bone marrow aspiration&biopsy ? What are you complaining about?


I didn’t feel any pain at all. Had topical anesthesia.
Afterwards slight discomfort, nothing more.

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So What were you complaining about? why the dr asked for the procedure? And did the results came out?


When you have a bone marrow exam and biopsy, there are 2 or more samples taken. This is the heart of the blood manufacturing site in the body so a sample from the marrow is important.
The first sample is an aspirated sample of the fluid in the marrow. The second is a core sample of the spongy part of the marrow. This is done with a needle. There’s no big incision or stitches involved.
The needle used to give the local anesthetic is small in diameter. You may feel a tiny poke with that but it numbs the tissue very quickly. It’s much smaller than the needle used to draw blood in your arm when you’ve had labs run.

You’ll be asked to lie on your side or tummy for the procedure. You’ll still have your skivvies on but the doctor will lower the waistband so that the waist area above your bum is exposed. Don’t worry about being embarrassed because this is so routine for them. I’ve had so many of these that sometimes, even being an old lady, I wear some silly underwear with ducks on or something. Just for laughs. 😂

The doctor will then use a pen or marker to mark the point where they want to take the sample. The pen can also used to see if you’re numb. Then a little larger needle is used to take the core sample. I didn’t feel anything sharp but it was uncomfortable. It felt like a deep tugging feeling. However it didn’t last very long. Once the doctor is finished, that’s basically it. Like I said, no stitches.

You will have to wear a bandaid for 24 hours and no showering for 24 hours. The bandaid will have a thicker, but small gauze square under it to give some pressure to stop any bleeding. Much like when you get a blood sample taken.
That’s it! Sometimes there’s discomfort for a day or so. I had one that was tender to the touch for a week. Not a sharp or throbbing pain, more like a bruise. You won’t want to play pickup basketball or go jogging for 24 hours either but going to work is fine.

The reticulin stain is one of several special use stains used on biopsies. Each one has an affinity for particular extra/intra-cellular structures, or particular microorganisms. In the case of a bone marrow biopsy it can be used to check for fibrosis of the marrow. Another condition that can affect blood cell production. Your doctor is covering all the bases. ☺️
I hope this answers a few of your questions. Don’t hesitate if you have more!

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So “reticulin stain” test is it a procedure happens during the biopsy “something extra” or happens from the sample that taken from the bone .
I want to thank you so much for your patience, you are truly great 🙏


So “reticulin stain” test is it a procedure happens during the biopsy “something extra” or happens from the sample that taken from the bone .
I want to thank you so much for your patience, you are truly great 🙏

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The stain is a procedure done on the sample in the lab after you’re finished with the biopsy. ☺️
It’s my pleasure to be able to help you and offer some reassurance. Let me know how it all turns out for you, ok?


Me too it’s my first time,
We got this my friend And as it is said “if your path demands you to walk through hell ,walk as if you own the place “.so why did your dr asked for the bone marrow aspiration&biopsy ? What are you complaining about?

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My platelets have been abnormal for a while. Lately, I'm tired all the time, and occasionally short of breath..so that was a concern.


I didn’t feel any pain at all. Had topical anesthesia.
Afterwards slight discomfort, nothing more.

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That's very reassuring. Thank you!


Did you felt sharp pain during or after it? What did it feel like when you were given local anesthesia or the moment when the needle inserted into your marrow?

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I had one about two years ago. I’m a real wuss when it comes to any kind of medical procedure and I really don’t even remember that one so it’s not really not something to worry about.


I have ET JAK2 and was diagnosed using genetic blood tests. My doctor told me that a bone marrow test was not necessary. True?


So What were you complaining about? why the dr asked for the procedure? And did the results came out?

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My routine bloodwork came back with high hematocrits.
I didn’t have any complaints at the time.


My platelets have been abnormal for a while. Lately, I'm tired all the time, and occasionally short of breath..so that was a concern.

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For me it was the hemoglobin always within range (17-19) , I also feel tired most of the time especially when I am at work, even though my work is not difficult at all, so I am on sick leave, I also suffer from headaches, dizziness, and mild itching at varying intervals.I take aspirin 81mg every day

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