Peeling skin with autoimmune disease

Posted by Machak @machak, Feb 25, 2024

Anyone else run across this? I'm a lupus patient. But the last 3 years I have had repeat periods of the skin on my body getting tight, splitting, then peeling showing a new skin layer, then starting a new round. This happens head to toe, but worst on hands and feet. Each attack last several weeks. Dermatologist here called it eczema and said I was reacting to some external irritant but that doesn't fit the pattern or symptoms. Any ideas?

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One other thing I should have mentioned… this doesn’t itch! It is painful when the skin is tight and trying to split to peel or when it cracks/bleeds along the knuckles, but no itching like you would expect with eczema or psoriasis.


Have you had a biopsy? You could ask for an ANA reflex panel. I have had a diagnosis of lupus for 20 years but never had an ANA reflex panel until recently and mine showed high antibodies for scleroderma, which causes tight skin. I have no idea if that matches your experience. Do you have a definitive lupus diagnosis?


Thanks Windyshores,
I've done the ANA reflex several times over the years. The only thing they pin the "lupus" designation on is the positive anti ds-dna which shows up at the height of my flares and the clinical symptoms (for which they also consider sjogrens as a possibility). For a biopsy I have to find a doctor who doesn't just dismiss everything as eczema. I have scheduled a new derm for next week. Don't know whether to hope this continues to get worse between now and then so that she sees the full symptoms or that it has started getting better by then so I can sleep and my knuckles stop cracking...


anti ds dna is definitive for lupus as you know....hope you get a biopsy! My skin looks like that but from dryness and doesn't peel. It does crack. Hope you get answers!


Good plan for a second opinion when there is diagnostic difficulty.
Always consider medications as possible cause even OTC meds and supplements. A routine biopsy is not always helpful but with fluorescent antibodies it could show subacute lupus. There may be other blood tests
for antibodies that could provide a cause for the exfoliation.
Do you have any history of childhood atopic dermatitis or psoriasis?


I will probably try some of the suggestions and if none works I will go back to my dermatologist. His new suggestions might even match the suggested ideas you all sent. I may try to take 2 Zyrtecs a day first then see if that helps.I have no history of atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. Thank you all.

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