Long COVID: Accepting my new normal

Posted by da69 @da69, Feb 1 11:50am

Has anybody else just gave up and said....This is my new normal?
Long story short...I have been vaccinated and 1 booster.
2+ years ago i got covid and could have had it prior to tests being available as well.
Devoloped bad anxiety after recovering which i still have but is much better with meds now.
Most of my other symptoms have got better...(Sleep, Brain Fog,Depression,Sore muscles etc etc).
The 2 symptoms i can't shake are Fatique and Shortness of breath!
All the normal tests came back fine.
No amount of exercise...vitamins etc help.
I lose my breath just walking up my stairs at home and everyday is a struggle to get through.
Anything physical and i am wiped out and it takes forever for my breathing to return to normal.
I still work everday....But at the end of the day i am beat.
I have to hire out things to be done that i used to be able to do prior to getting covid.
I am so sick of doctors appointments and tests that i have givin up and basically accepted this as my new normal.
I tell myself that i should be happy for the things that have improved
and i do think of those so worse off than me.
Anybody else in my situation?....I don't see any other options but to accept it at this point and hope advancements and research in post
covid care happen.
After 2+ yrs of this i don't see it getting any better on it's own.
Thanks for listening.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


Thank you. One day it will be gone. Lots of prayer and singing praises to the Lord now.

....the help pull helps with joint pain...?

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Sorry the hemp oil. Is what I was asking about lol. Does it help alot with joint pain?


Not really, with the pain, but makes it where you don't care. Not a lot of work turned out, but lasts about 6 to 7 hours. 1ml of 2500 mg Full Spectrum CBD. Mint is best

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