← Return to High Factor VIII (8) Blood Clotting Disorder and its Impacts on life

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Welcome to Connect, Heather, @ruthheat Having a stroke is a rough way to find out you have a blood condition. I’m glad you’re doing ok! Did you have any long term damage from the stroke?

As you’ve found out, High Factor Vlll clotting disorder is hereditary. Was your event the first time it was discovered or correlated with health issues in your family that you know about? Was your uncle diagnosed around the same time as you?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect, Heather, @ruthheat Having a stroke is a rough way to find out you..."

I am fortunate to have no long term damage from the stoke, than goodness! I am not sure when my uncle was diagnosed. He was a doctor and never told his siblings about it until I had my stroke. He suggested my doctors do a panel to test for Factor VIII since he had a history. Luckily my docs had already ordered a panel a few days earlier. My grandfather died young in the 1980's. We now wonder if he had the Factor VIII gene and that caused his death.