Getting frustrated with throat pain post radiation

Posted by srm @srm, Nov 26, 2021

Now 5 months post radiation. 33 treatments of targeted radiation plus chemo therapy for my stage 3 Metastatic Squamish Cell Carcinoma back of tongue R/S. A few weeks ago my throat pain was subsiding enough whereas I finally started eating soft foods with some good success. This week the pain increased to where I have had to go back on liquids. The pain is either on the left side, right side or back of throat. Sometimes the entire throat hurts like strep. The pain is always present but is really bad when I swallow something. Seems to be 2 steps forward and a few back. My oncologist claims that the pain will eventually go away but cannot provide any kind of time frame. Has anyone with similar treatment experienced throat pain for an extended period post radiation? If so, how long did it last? I was getting really excited and optimistic for a couple of weeks while eating very saucy soft foods. I was finally making progress and then things just got worse again. Nobody said this was going to be easy but it gets discouraging when I appear to be making progress just to fall back again.

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I had larynx cancer A trachea 35 radiation 7 chemo sessions lost 90 lbs could eat no matter how hard I tried pain and taste terrible.Removed my trachea and put back in 2 months latter because the stoma would not heal also put in a feeding tube and had 60 2 hr Hyperbaric treatments and that saved my voice box created all new blood vessels and cured all the radiation damage and stopped the pain .I would encourage you strongly to look into Hyperbaric


Been year and a half since I’ve been done also lots of ups and downs like people say 1 step forward 2 back each month would get a little better I kept telling myself I’ll be better next month. Still suffering from some pain and dry mouth hope in time it gets better,taste is getting better but still can’t eat a lot of things I use to eat nothing seems to taste the same,what’s really bad is I’ve been a picky eater my whole life and I’m 71 hope this helps as it’s a long road as everyone says but it’s still better than the alternative

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look into Hyperbaric treatment and you will be amaze with the results.I did it read my post further down Good Luck


In reply to Dave Hutsel
Thanks for your info and post. I am sitting at 3 months post radiation and am dealing with what is described, throat pain… burning when trying to eat. This is despite eating soft foods. There are days I get by with only one tube feeding other days up to four.
It is encouraging to hear that you are pain free after 6 months and hopefully this will be my case.
I have a follow up today for scoping of throat as next step to determine throat pain. I’m dreading the procedure and have little hope they can do anything for me. I just need to be patient. Sigh…

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what did they say about your throat after the scope? I am also 3 months post with a lot of throat pain back again. My ENT and rad Onc both said that I have a throat ulcer. "It should get better..."


what did they say about your throat after the scope? I am also 3 months post with a lot of throat pain back again. My ENT and rad Onc both said that I have a throat ulcer. "It should get better..."

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Unfortunately the appointment was a waste of time. Doctor did not agree or think scoping was necessary. Basically he said this lingering pain happens to some patients. All I can do is remain patient and continue with soft diet.
Ironically the last 3 days have been very good for me whereas my throat hasn’t been bad and I’ve been eating pretty well. I’ve had only occasional tube feedings, like only once a day. It really has been mentally uplifting and I feel great. However I did push the envelope a bit today, I tried a cheeseburger, now I’m in pain but not terrible. I think I will bounce back okay. There are lots of ups and downs in this healing process and no logic can be applied. Hopefully no more regression from here.
Wish you well


Has anyone here had their throat pain increase again after starting to get better?
2 mos after finishing treatment I got Covid and throat got really bad again. Now it’s been bad for almost 2 months. Ent said that I have an ulcer in my throat . Pet scan was clear.
Rad/onc says it will get better…. Nothing seems to help healing…..


Has anyone here had their throat pain increase again after starting to get better?
2 mos after finishing treatment I got Covid and throat got really bad again. Now it’s been bad for almost 2 months. Ent said that I have an ulcer in my throat . Pet scan was clear.
Rad/onc says it will get better…. Nothing seems to help healing…..

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I know how frustrating it is and what you are experiencing having been there just weeks ago. J believe I have finally turned a corner. That awful throat pain after trying to eat would be me to tears and bouts of anxiety and depression. I am now over 14 weeks post radiation and on very day of 14 weeks I finally had a day where I did not need the feeding tube. (I too caught Covid just after Christmas which was a setback.) Yesterday was day 2 where I got by without feeding tube and I pray to god i am hopefully done. My throat is not perfect still sore here and there and eating does aggravate it especially anything coarse. I do still need lots of water to get to swallow because of dryness.
I hope you get there soon. My only advise is eat very soft foods and try to be patient by keeping busy if you can. For me daily walks, light exercise and home projects were key to filling my time.


I'm on day 16 of 35 radiation treatments. My throat is getting a bit sore. I can only drink Goat's milk but now it acts like it went a bit into my lungs and it starts me into a dry cough that doesn't produce anything. I do get lots of phlegm and thrush. I have a suction machine that helps get a lot of that out. Sometimes in the morning when I am getting this gunk out there is bits of blood. So far nothing is stopping the thrush. So maybe some of this is getting dried in my throat? I would like something to sooth the throat so I can get the Goat's milk down without choking and coughing. I've lost a ton of weight. But reading here that so many had to go about 2 years to get past it all is disconcerning. I've been rearranging and restocking my kitchen for the day I can cook again. I found Ancient Whole Grains to grind myself to get away from the bad flour the US grows. I'm going with a monthly service to get my meats from healthy animals. Luckily, I have enough grocery stores around with organic produce. All this research right now so looking forward to the day I can start cooking again. When does the throat open back up after all the radiation? I also have a holistic doctor alongside this Radiologist and he got me off sugar, onto doing coffee enemas weekly that cleanses the liver that helps the body with the radiation, Mistletoe injections, Helleborus niger injectons and the nebulizer version. There is a good book on it called "Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology". Germany and Switzerland use this method intensely. I invested in a live blood microscope and discovered after a Pet scan I lost all my white blood cells but they are coming back slowly. So the radiation is a necessary evil and it will take a lot to recover from it in itself. I also do a lot of IVs at the holistic center like Vit C. The Pet scan immediately caused my ankles to swell which never had I had that. They tell me it is not the radiation but I wonder. So far the best pain meds that work for me is 2 Advil and 1 Tylenol which I was a 3 times a day and down to 1 time a day. But this throat urge to cough when I drink is getting to me. It restricts my intake that I can't afford. Someone wrote Marshmellow Root Tea. I will get that in and try it. I have decided never on Chemo and was confirmed with my holistic doc for radiation but never chemo as my heart rate is too high although blood pressure is always good. How does that work?


I'm on day 16 of 35 radiation treatments. My throat is getting a bit sore. I can only drink Goat's milk but now it acts like it went a bit into my lungs and it starts me into a dry cough that doesn't produce anything. I do get lots of phlegm and thrush. I have a suction machine that helps get a lot of that out. Sometimes in the morning when I am getting this gunk out there is bits of blood. So far nothing is stopping the thrush. So maybe some of this is getting dried in my throat? I would like something to sooth the throat so I can get the Goat's milk down without choking and coughing. I've lost a ton of weight. But reading here that so many had to go about 2 years to get past it all is disconcerning. I've been rearranging and restocking my kitchen for the day I can cook again. I found Ancient Whole Grains to grind myself to get away from the bad flour the US grows. I'm going with a monthly service to get my meats from healthy animals. Luckily, I have enough grocery stores around with organic produce. All this research right now so looking forward to the day I can start cooking again. When does the throat open back up after all the radiation? I also have a holistic doctor alongside this Radiologist and he got me off sugar, onto doing coffee enemas weekly that cleanses the liver that helps the body with the radiation, Mistletoe injections, Helleborus niger injectons and the nebulizer version. There is a good book on it called "Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology". Germany and Switzerland use this method intensely. I invested in a live blood microscope and discovered after a Pet scan I lost all my white blood cells but they are coming back slowly. So the radiation is a necessary evil and it will take a lot to recover from it in itself. I also do a lot of IVs at the holistic center like Vit C. The Pet scan immediately caused my ankles to swell which never had I had that. They tell me it is not the radiation but I wonder. So far the best pain meds that work for me is 2 Advil and 1 Tylenol which I was a 3 times a day and down to 1 time a day. But this throat urge to cough when I drink is getting to me. It restricts my intake that I can't afford. Someone wrote Marshmellow Root Tea. I will get that in and try it. I have decided never on Chemo and was confirmed with my holistic doc for radiation but never chemo as my heart rate is too high although blood pressure is always good. How does that work?

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Hi @noni777777 and welcome to the Head and Neck group here on Connect.
It seems like a lot of advice is coming your way but one wonders if any has had the actual experience. Here you will find those who have experienced what you are going through.
I have a couple items for you. First, milk. It doesn’t matter if it comes from goats, yaks, cows, or whatever, it will cause phlegm issues and contribute to hacking.
Next, could you expand on your cancer please such as where exactly, what was the treatment so far, and what type was it?
Have you had a conversation about feeding tubes? You are not even half way into radiation treatment and by that I mean the effects continue to destroy for several days after it ends. You will probably not find much of anything tasty or appetizing shortly.
Anyway someone here can answer questions. Don’t give up in this most difficult fight. Courage will get you through.


I'm on day 16 of 35 radiation treatments. My throat is getting a bit sore. I can only drink Goat's milk but now it acts like it went a bit into my lungs and it starts me into a dry cough that doesn't produce anything. I do get lots of phlegm and thrush. I have a suction machine that helps get a lot of that out. Sometimes in the morning when I am getting this gunk out there is bits of blood. So far nothing is stopping the thrush. So maybe some of this is getting dried in my throat? I would like something to sooth the throat so I can get the Goat's milk down without choking and coughing. I've lost a ton of weight. But reading here that so many had to go about 2 years to get past it all is disconcerning. I've been rearranging and restocking my kitchen for the day I can cook again. I found Ancient Whole Grains to grind myself to get away from the bad flour the US grows. I'm going with a monthly service to get my meats from healthy animals. Luckily, I have enough grocery stores around with organic produce. All this research right now so looking forward to the day I can start cooking again. When does the throat open back up after all the radiation? I also have a holistic doctor alongside this Radiologist and he got me off sugar, onto doing coffee enemas weekly that cleanses the liver that helps the body with the radiation, Mistletoe injections, Helleborus niger injectons and the nebulizer version. There is a good book on it called "Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology". Germany and Switzerland use this method intensely. I invested in a live blood microscope and discovered after a Pet scan I lost all my white blood cells but they are coming back slowly. So the radiation is a necessary evil and it will take a lot to recover from it in itself. I also do a lot of IVs at the holistic center like Vit C. The Pet scan immediately caused my ankles to swell which never had I had that. They tell me it is not the radiation but I wonder. So far the best pain meds that work for me is 2 Advil and 1 Tylenol which I was a 3 times a day and down to 1 time a day. But this throat urge to cough when I drink is getting to me. It restricts my intake that I can't afford. Someone wrote Marshmellow Root Tea. I will get that in and try it. I have decided never on Chemo and was confirmed with my holistic doc for radiation but never chemo as my heart rate is too high although blood pressure is always good. How does that work?

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Not sure what kind of cancer you had but I had 35 rounds of radiation for a total of 70Gy and 3 rounds of cisplatin chemo for tonsil cancer back in 2008 and I did research then and found in an England Journal of Medicine that honey could help soothe the throat. I did shots of real honey and it took some of the edge off for me.


I know how frustrating it is and what you are experiencing having been there just weeks ago. J believe I have finally turned a corner. That awful throat pain after trying to eat would be me to tears and bouts of anxiety and depression. I am now over 14 weeks post radiation and on very day of 14 weeks I finally had a day where I did not need the feeding tube. (I too caught Covid just after Christmas which was a setback.) Yesterday was day 2 where I got by without feeding tube and I pray to god i am hopefully done. My throat is not perfect still sore here and there and eating does aggravate it especially anything coarse. I do still need lots of water to get to swallow because of dryness.
I hope you get there soon. My only advise is eat very soft foods and try to be patient by keeping busy if you can. For me daily walks, light exercise and home projects were key to filling my time.

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Finally did turn the corner
Radonc put me in Trental and vit E and I used red light

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