Loss of hunger and taste and smell.

Posted by lkirnbauer @lkirnbauer, Aug 15, 2023

In April of 2022 I had 18 inches of my colon resected due to severe diverticulitis. Surgery was successful, but then in December of 2022, I got Covid and lost my taste and smell. It is August 2023, 8 months later and to this date have not gotten my hunger, taste or smell back. My Dr tells me it’s “Long Haulers Covid”, but I’m not convinced. I have no desire to eat, but make myself because I know I have to. Wondering if anyone has experienced something similar or might have some encouragement. Thank you!

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I was diagnosed with post covid syndrome by ENT after smell and taste disorders. I can smell and taste some, but they are distorted. I’ve also lost almost 60 pounds. I thought I was doing it myself, but it really has been pretty easy to stick with my diet. I work out too. Maybe, the smell/taste thing is a bigger part of the weight loss than I realized.

I am doing scent training. There are kits on line or you can build you own. I’m exploring stimulating my vagus nerve and even getting an injection into my neck. It’s getting very stressful to have this constant issue. I’ll know more when I have my followup with my ENT.


Also, my mother died of covid before it "hit the news" in the US. The US was actually the last country to admit it was real. Millions had already died by March 2020 when the pandemic was declared. Unless before covid you mean before 2019 when it entered the world that we know off. Did your lack of smell begin in 2018? That's most likely before covid. Many in the US were really very sick in dec 2019 and jan 2020. Prior to covid, lack of smell was either normal for you or a loud onset would be a brain insult, tumor etc?

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I’ve had 2 brain MRI’s, a CT scan of my sinuses and nothing showed up, which I am grateful for. I’ve also had 2 Stellate Ganglion Block injections to regain my taste/smell, but as of yet, only a very slight improvement has occurred. I’m going in for a third injection in March, as I am in Mexico currently. I, unfortunately, am learning to live with this, but it’s not a very fun existence. You never know how much you miss your taste and smell until you no longer have it. Very dull…


In the absence of LC damage, it would be good to talk with a doctor to exclude injury to olfactory bulbs. I lost the ability to smell and taste for a few years after a head injury, decades ago (whiplash) but it grew back as my brain rewired. I have a friend that lost his due to brain cancer in that area; they removed the olfactory bulbs. Smell and taste is a major sense and its loss or damage must be grieved like any other. Appearance and texture of foods becomes more important. There are also risks, one can't smell chemical leaks or dead critters. Also can't smell liver and onions so its not all bad.


My MRI was normal according to the neurologist. So…..I’ll see what ENT doctor says next time. I had to reschedule my appointment due to a recent cold. I know they’ll want to reassess my smell test. I hope once my cold is over, I’ll do better on the test, but I have a feeling I won’t.


In the absence of LC damage, it would be good to talk with a doctor to exclude injury to olfactory bulbs. I lost the ability to smell and taste for a few years after a head injury, decades ago (whiplash) but it grew back as my brain rewired. I have a friend that lost his due to brain cancer in that area; they removed the olfactory bulbs. Smell and taste is a major sense and its loss or damage must be grieved like any other. Appearance and texture of foods becomes more important. There are also risks, one can't smell chemical leaks or dead critters. Also can't smell liver and onions so its not all bad.

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I’m so happy you regained your taste and smell. I don’t know anything about Olfactory Bulbs. Can you expand on that please. Is this something that is surgical or something else?


Olfactory bulbs are two nerve bundles at the base of the frontal lobes of the brain. They are directly wired to the smell and taste olfactory nerves in your tongue and nose. They are part of the brain that interprets what you smell and taste. This article also includes covid impact on smell and taste: https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/ear,-nose,-and-throat-disorders/symptoms-of-nose-and-throat-disorders/overview-of-smell-and-taste-disorders


I have seen a bunch of people on social media that had loss of hunger from long covid.I have been ill for over 2 years and no Doctor can figure out what is wrong,but I believe covid played a part in it.I did not know I had it though.I don't have the sensation of having a full belly after eating and all of my sensation is pretty much gone.I can feel myself touching my belly,but sensation is gone.I use to have such a sensitive belly and it is like everything dissapeared.Covid attacks the vagus nerve which controls alot of these functions.The Doctors just don't know much about long covid.Believe it or not tiktok actually has alot of useful information.I think people are desperate for answers so they turn to social media.


I have seen a bunch of people on social media that had loss of hunger from long covid.I have been ill for over 2 years and no Doctor can figure out what is wrong,but I believe covid played a part in it.I did not know I had it though.I don't have the sensation of having a full belly after eating and all of my sensation is pretty much gone.I can feel myself touching my belly,but sensation is gone.I use to have such a sensitive belly and it is like everything dissapeared.Covid attacks the vagus nerve which controls alot of these functions.The Doctors just don't know much about long covid.Believe it or not tiktok actually has alot of useful information.I think people are desperate for answers so they turn to social media.

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I also have no stomach hunger. I had 18” of my sigmoid colon resected due to severe diverticulitis. I just chalked it up to that surgery, but you mentioned Covid does do damage to the Vegas nerve, as I also have no taste or smell. I don’t know if the loss is from Covid or from my surgery. My doctors are telling me it’s from long covid. I’ve had 2 Stellate Ganglion Block injections to regain my taste/smell and it has helped a little bit, but I still can’t get any flavors, only sweet, salty, sour or bitter, but it is stronger than before the injections.


I also have no stomach hunger. I had 18” of my sigmoid colon resected due to severe diverticulitis. I just chalked it up to that surgery, but you mentioned Covid does do damage to the Vegas nerve, as I also have no taste or smell. I don’t know if the loss is from Covid or from my surgery. My doctors are telling me it’s from long covid. I’ve had 2 Stellate Ganglion Block injections to regain my taste/smell and it has helped a little bit, but I still can’t get any flavors, only sweet, salty, sour or bitter, but it is stronger than before the injections.

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It is possible that it is long covid.I got an iron infusion right before I had all of my horrible symptoms come on,but I believe Covid got me at the same time.I am thinking an infusion,surgery,etc weakens your immune system and makes it easier for covid to do alot of damage.No Doctor can figure out what happened to me and my symptoms are so unusual.The only people I have found with similar ones have long covid.Maybe that is what happened to you too.It is Frustrating because the Doctors don't know much about the vagus nerve or long covid.

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