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Hi all. I was diagnosed with SMZL last July (2023). I have had a course of
rituximab. In preparing for this it was also discovered I had Hep B. So I am also taking an anti-viral for that daily. So I went from thinking I was basically healthy for a 63 year old, to being diagnosed with 2 serious underlying conditions in the space of a few weeks. Disconcerting. I have made my peace with both of them, sort of, and I am just confused about how immunocompromized I am, and what precautions are necessary right now.

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Replies to "Hi all. I was diagnosed with SMZL last July (2023). I have had a course of..."

Hi Sue,

It sounds like you have a 6 months head start on me (I have yet to get my final diagnosis, so no treatments planned quite yet). We're the same age as well. I'm puzzled why your docs have not addressed these questions – I am really curious as well. I am sure others on this channel with more SMZL experience can help.


Hi @sueinma. Welcome to Connect. Anytime we have a condition where our immune system isn’t functioning at 100% we are susceptible to illness. Having a blood cancer such as lymphoma affects your immune system directly. You may have a more difficult time with recovery from an illness or may find you get ill more frequently. It’s important to make sure you stay up to date with all immunizations.

Being immunocompormised, you’ll want to take similar precautions that you learned with Covid protocol with using N-95 or KN-95 masks in public or if you have guests in your home who are ill. You’ll definitely want to wear them on planes, in airports, church, theaters, elevators, etc., where there are groups of people in an enclosed, not well-ventilated area. Covid is obviously still a concern. But also other diseases/illnesses such as flu, RSV, measles and the like. Also things to avoid are areas of possible contamination for foods such as buffets, salad bars, artisan cheeses that aren’t pasteurized. You don’t have to live in fear. Just be educated and don’t take chances.
I’m 5 years post AML/bone barrow transplant. Even though I’m perfectly healthy with no cancer, I still need to wear masks, use hand sanitizer and we don’t go out to dinner unless we can eat outdoors.
Here’s a quick tutorial from Healthline.com

Do you wear a mask in public places?