Wildly fluctuating O2 levels

Posted by Phoenix @kudzu, Jul 16, 2022

I’m experiencing wildly fluctuating o2 levels on finger oximeter. This morning already I’ve been everywhere from 71 to 99, especially while standing still.
I went to the ER June 3 with this and they couldn’t find anything. My pft of June 3 indicated restrictive lung disease. May or may not be due to Amiodarone.
I’m going to Mayo July 27 to see a pulmonologist.
Very scary and depressing.
I know if I go back to the ER they probably won’t find anything, and I read in my medical records that my pcp has diagnosed hypochondriasis(not the case, this is really happening).
Anyone else have this?

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Have been going through exact same thing for 2 yrs and endless test to reveal nothing . Now have me scheduled for the holster test but again last year had the heart scan and lungs scanned and nothing showed . I have a continuous oxygen monitor not only is my oxygen going up and down sometimes for up to 3-4 mins then shoots up instantly . Never had covid or at least no test ever showed covid . No overweight , ear healthy . I do eat sugars but nothing to cause the onset on this out of the blue . All my issue Assyria four month after second covid vaccine . Not saying there is a link but the timing is impeccable . I even have gone as far as to worry it might be microplastics . However getting a doctor to listen when they see a ten second snapshot in the office is sad . Even with all my records of my recording barely made a difference . Been to cardiologist, pulmonologist (no cops) lungs clear . Heart clears no calcified arteries . Even been to endocrinologist, thyroid issues started after vaccine but it’s been in check since seeing Endo however issues with oxygen and heart remain . Seen rheumologist to rule out auto immune such as gravis to lupus . I am at my wits end and feel like just giving up . Walking to my mailbox now causing high heart rate and oxygen drops . I have become dependent on family members to function daily . How did I get here ? I was very active , healthy and outgoing and then this started . It has robbed me of any normal life and left me with no help . Getting genome 🧬 fully scanned which cost a small fortune in hopes on more answers .


I have same problem.
get a gadget called the O2ring. google it.
It fits on finger like a ring so it stays on, even while sleeping.
It records the O2 reading every 4 seconds and can keep 4 10 hour sessions in memory. It also displays real time on your phone. can save data to phone and you can plug it USB to computer and download data and display it in various forms. Very well worth the money, since doctors only get a small snapshoot of information when in the office.
Can be, positional, when lying down, which doesn't happen in office.
My O2 was always weird and eventually would eventually get to 97 and docs say ok.
Ring showed my O2 fluctuates up and down 10 points every 40-50 seconds.
While sleeping it can go to 72 and sometimes stays low 80's for a few minutes. Still working with sleep study people to figure out what is really happening. I'm fighting with them on calling it Obstructive Sleep Apnea because I could be resting, lying down, and breathing at normal 15-20 breaths a minute and watch the O2 go from 97 to 87 within about 30 seconds and back up to 97 the next 20 seconds. Like clock work, all night long. When up and about it looks kind of normal slowly variying high 90's
I have appointment with 2nd sleep study doctor next week, Feb 2024.
Hope I can get better information.


I have same problem.
get a gadget called the O2ring. google it.
It fits on finger like a ring so it stays on, even while sleeping.
It records the O2 reading every 4 seconds and can keep 4 10 hour sessions in memory. It also displays real time on your phone. can save data to phone and you can plug it USB to computer and download data and display it in various forms. Very well worth the money, since doctors only get a small snapshoot of information when in the office.
Can be, positional, when lying down, which doesn't happen in office.
My O2 was always weird and eventually would eventually get to 97 and docs say ok.
Ring showed my O2 fluctuates up and down 10 points every 40-50 seconds.
While sleeping it can go to 72 and sometimes stays low 80's for a few minutes. Still working with sleep study people to figure out what is really happening. I'm fighting with them on calling it Obstructive Sleep Apnea because I could be resting, lying down, and breathing at normal 15-20 breaths a minute and watch the O2 go from 97 to 87 within about 30 seconds and back up to 97 the next 20 seconds. Like clock work, all night long. When up and about it looks kind of normal slowly variying high 90's
I have appointment with 2nd sleep study doctor next week, Feb 2024.
Hope I can get better information.

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here is print out of short 15 min segment.
The peak to peak time of waves is about 52 seconds.
The peak to bottom is about 32 seconds.
The bottom back up is about 20 seconds.
last pic is whole night, is about 5 hours of data with cycle continuing at about 40-50 seconds but varying on level depending on sleep mode.

Shared files

O2Ring _5Hours (O2Ring-_5Hours.pdf)


Amioderon is Nasty stuff and can cause:
1: Lung problems
2: kill your Thyroid
3: cause spots in your eyes.
Get them all checked out!
Read up on it, and it is used as a last resort.


Have been going through exact same thing for 2 yrs and endless test to reveal nothing . Now have me scheduled for the holster test but again last year had the heart scan and lungs scanned and nothing showed . I have a continuous oxygen monitor not only is my oxygen going up and down sometimes for up to 3-4 mins then shoots up instantly . Never had covid or at least no test ever showed covid . No overweight , ear healthy . I do eat sugars but nothing to cause the onset on this out of the blue . All my issue Assyria four month after second covid vaccine . Not saying there is a link but the timing is impeccable . I even have gone as far as to worry it might be microplastics . However getting a doctor to listen when they see a ten second snapshot in the office is sad . Even with all my records of my recording barely made a difference . Been to cardiologist, pulmonologist (no cops) lungs clear . Heart clears no calcified arteries . Even been to endocrinologist, thyroid issues started after vaccine but it’s been in check since seeing Endo however issues with oxygen and heart remain . Seen rheumologist to rule out auto immune such as gravis to lupus . I am at my wits end and feel like just giving up . Walking to my mailbox now causing high heart rate and oxygen drops . I have become dependent on family members to function daily . How did I get here ? I was very active , healthy and outgoing and then this started . It has robbed me of any normal life and left me with no help . Getting genome 🧬 fully scanned which cost a small fortune in hopes on more answers .

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I have a Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test scheduled for next week. I'm just over a year now with symptoms and still no answers. My doctor agrees with me that it's probably my nervous system not functioning properly, so I have an appointment with a nerve doctor in about a month. I will share if we figure anything out. I keep checking back here hoping to see that someone has found an actual diagnosis, so we can help eachother get better...if that's even possible.


Following this thread, for the final report. VERY SIMILAR situation. I live at high elevation, so 88 on the oximeter is acceptable. Daytime #'s have always been 92-96.
6 weeks ago, viral cough dropped me to 88, 87, 86, continuing to 78. Tested negative for Covid, NO OTHER SYMPTOMS, just a cough. In the meantime, sleep study revealed need for CPAP. I was shocked. Recovery from viral cough came slowly, and numbers increased equally slowly. Here's the similar part: Now WILDLY fluctuating from 72-98.
I have already learned a LOT in this thread. Awaiting updates!

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I can relate for sure. I'm in the mountains of Colorado and the Drs. seems to be ok with 88 for me also. I too have a wildly fluctuating pulse ox the same range as yours. As soon as it gets to a number above 90 that I feel comfortable with, it will drop usually to 82 and then rise and fall between 82-85 and then slowly rise to 92-93 and then back down again. I don't know what to think. Currently using supplemental oxygen.


Thanks for the reply, Sue.
No, I was not blue and if I hadn’t checked it I would not have known other than maybe slight shortness of breath or lightheaded ness. I’ve seen readings like that before on a different meter. I think it’s me. Another possibility is that they suspect I have Reynaud’s and the circulation to my fingers was not good. I have seen my palms and the soles of my feet turn blue intermittently(they were cold). Oddly, at that time the readings were normal if I recall right. If I start moving around the cyanosis goes away.
No, such readings have not been noted in the doctor’s office. It’s usually high 90’s in there.
If I hadn’t gotten pictures on my phone I don’t think they would have believed me. I have a series of pictures taken in a span of 60-90 seconds that go from 75-98. I was standing and talking on the phone during the whole thing.
I wonder if this is postural, something like pots or orthostatic hypotension. I do have lowish blood pressure that fluctuates quite a bit.
I also notice low readings in the car after I’ve been sitting still though not that low-maybe 91. Although I was sitting very still in the car looking at a map and caught a reading of 77 back in March. Didn’t last long. Shallow breathing?
I’m also looking at when it happens. Right now I’m taking a close look to see if it correlates with exertion at all. I’m a gym rat and if it’s happening, it’s either intermittent or I’m just not catching it. I’ve checked the oximeter while on treadmill and stepclimber and it stays high 90’s except for occasional dips into high 80’s that are transient.
It’s very wierd. I’ve had it dip into the mid 80’s walking around a parking lot, felt nothing, and kept walking. Took a few minutes but came back up to high 90’s and stayed there.
The really odd thing is that it doesn’t seem to last long.
Sorry this is so long, but it’s a wierd thing that’s mysterious.
Can’t wait to get to Mayo. If anybody can nail it, they can.

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Get the O2ring or something like it to document actual data with time stamps .


There are oximeters that record via app on the phone such as masimo - hospital grade. Pricy but there are others out there.
If you can avoid ed, dont go unless your levels of o2 sustained at all times and below 88%

Parenchyma damage in lungs can lead to o2 drop, air trapping. You can ask for high resolution ct with dynamic expiratory imaging which can show air trapping.
One other test is gas exchange and 6 min walk test
Good luck, try to go by how your symptoms are. Are you lightheaded all the time? There might be some correlation with heart - lung cycle of pumping blood/o2 & blood/co2 and timing of pumping blood a bit off andproduces quick drop in o2

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There is a thing called ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch which is the V/Q ratio. V is air flow and Q is blood flow in the lungs. It should be 1. Even the effects of gravity will change the ratio. A lung problem (asthma) or a blood flow problem ( heart issues) also affect this ratio. The body responds by adjusting breathing rate or depth and where blood is send in the lung. Its a Complicated system very briefly explained here.
Whole system is a big feedback loop and engineers know, if feedback is greater then one, oscillations can occur.
Im still trying to get through to doctors. Find the cause then fix it instead of always throwing a CPAP machine at everything. Like using pain pills to cover up the symptom rather than finding the cause and fixing it.
I probably said too much already.


Hi. I am also looking for answers for what has happened to me. 16 months ago I was exposed to 12 days of low to moderate amounts of carbon monoxide. I have experienced many symptoms like feeling drunk seeing shapes in my eyes headaches ringing in the ears fatigue to extreme fatigue. I would get the extreme fatigue after for example having a small amount of alcohol (1/2 of a beer) breathing in air pollution, dust or exertion etc. I thought at first there is something wrong with my cells. I just did some test on my self with an o2 reader and discovered the same issues as you with the readings jumping all over the place especially when I go from a stand to a flat lay down on my back. None of my doctors can find anything wrong, which is very frustrating because how do you treat something when you don’t know what you have. This has drastically changed my active life. Sorry I don’t have any answers.


As I, too, have had fluctuating oxygen levels. So, I've been doing research and it seems to correlate with COVID that I had in a bad way a year ago. I've been monitoring my stats for several months. What I've found to make sense for me is that it has to do with (injured) mitochondria in cells that are responsible for energy, particularly in muscle cells, and the heart is a muscle. I think that my heart has been struggling periodically due to this, causing my O2 to go down to 92%. I learned about activity induced exertion and that if you have it, it needs to be healed before aerobic exercise is advisable. So, I've tried to do weight-based exercise when I can, while minimizing the urge to push myself (in general), which has caused me to hit brick walls of fatigue, or to have heart palpitations or high heart rate (I was always low before, even too low). For my heart, I have been taking a small dose (~1/4t - 1/8t) of Japanese Knotweed powder in the morning (IMO a better form of resveratrol) and resisting the urge to overdo it. I've been avoiding aerobic activity, since I learned about activity induced fatigue related to COVID.

I have had general anxiety, but it turned into an actual symptom from when I had a bad bout a year ago. I did some more reading and it seems that part can be from brain inflammation. They also spoke about clots, and I happened to have a clot in my intestines last year. I know there's a gut/brain link.

What I'm doing to improve inflammation, overall, and to recover from spike is to consume products with shikemic acid, high a.m. doses of Vitamin D3 (up to 10k UI/day, though I've heard that more can be taken short term when needed). Of course, ~20min of sun/day w/o sunscreen is supposed to be best, if can). I pair it in the p.. with dose of K2 (to make sure calcium is ushered into my bones where it belongs). I take Omegas (3 & 9), and Spermidine, which seems to have helped my energy level. Since C can block calcium, I take a plant-based version of Vitamin C for anti-oxidants ( well after my vitamins that contain calcium) (ex: camu camu) several times/day (I avoid ascorbic acid, which is made from black mold grown on GMO corn).

I also take supplements that escort debris/parasites out of the body. I think this part is very important. (Neem, activated charcoal, pine tea, anise tea...). Slow-release melatonin is supposed to be very effective, but some people get nightmares (I did). We used 10mg or less (can cut it). I believe that they help with autophagy.

Some treatments I want to try are HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen), possibly get my blood cleaned (EBOO)... I'm still looking into those.

What I do find particularly important is keeping myself grounded and emotionally regulated. I have to be good with saying no and with not being a people pleaser since I need to prioritize my own self-care. I have to be my own advocate with gentle conviction. That hasn't been easy, but I'm empowering myself in the kindest way I can.

I hope that my share helps people.

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