Should I choose to do surgery right away or wait a while?
I was diagnosed with having meningioma measuring 2.9cm in the left posterior fossa. There is focal mass effect on left pons with suggestion of impingement of the cisternal segment of the left trigeminal nerve which causes jolting pain in my jaw. I have other symptoms such as vertigo and tinnitus. Surgery was suggested but I am 52 yo and scared to go thru brain surgery. Nerve blocker can manage my pain but I dont want to take it long term. Has anyone went thru similar surgery and can tell me what it’s like? Should I opt to do surgery or no?
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Yes, my spouse has had similar experiences. Gr 4 gbm multiform , total resection of tumor, rad and Temodar, now just maint. Cycles 5 days on 23 days off. His last two MRIs were clear, he’ll keep getting mri ev 2 mos. He’s just very tired a lot it can still do minor activities , go on short walk, go out to store etc..luckily his tumor was in a location that didn’t drastically effect him. He still has slight shakes in rt hand and mild aphasia but for most part he talks and moves almost 100% normally..
Your age is also a consideration. If you are young-ish, waiting is a good game. But if you’re older, the impact of anesthesia could be far more troubling in 3-5 years vs now. If surgery is inevitable, I’m a sooner vs later as was my husband 10 years ago. He was 77 and opted for surgery after watching his meningioma continue to grow for 9 months. But his tumor was readily accessible, so an “easy” decision.
What are triminial nerves? I am having what I call “pins and needles” throughout my whole body since I had my 1st MRI in Nov 2023 and having lots of trouble sleeping Jj